The problem with trying to ensure that everyone can keep their head above water is that some people are always going to sink no matter what you do, and the socialists point to those edge cases.
But there is a yuuge difference between somebody who smokes responsibly and is still a productive human being and "stoners" who build their whole identity around a single mild psychedelic
Or as Gandalf once said: "even the very wise do not see all ends" To think that a single human can grasp a system as complex as the earth's climate + human civilization is extreme arrogance.
It's especially pathetic when you take into account the fact that the alarmists could actually focus on doing something useful like improving their own lives. Alas their arrogance haunts them
Such misuse of language in an attempt to excuse poor decision making is a massive insult to actual slaves and should be considered a moral/character failure like animal abuse, IMO.
You're posting on a website and on a decentralized blockchain using a computer. All of these things were brought to you by the innovations and freedom of capitalism.
Climate change appeals to communists because like their fantasies about economic planning it appeals to their inflated sense of knowledgeably and will to power. Epistomologically it is bullshit.
@SubjectiveReality well put, fear of liberty is likely wrapped up with a sense of insecurity or inferiority. It is the disease of he who doubts his ability to contribute meaningfully in the market
I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who thinks we are all just meatpuppets with no spiritual dimension whatsoever. Talk about a bleak and defeatist worldview.
When someone asks you what you do for a living and you say "I am a human being, lololol" that generally means you are either (a) employed by the government or (b) a bum (but I repeat myself)
If omniscient I would never test my case in an uncensorably indelible public blockchain for all posterity to gloat over.
I would know all the answers and never need to reply.
I am 100% not afraid to be wrong, to make mistakes, or be ridiculed. I am willing to revise what I write when I recognize through argument or reasoning that I have erred.
The problem here is that ALL human beings are blind, stupid hypocrites! And the ones who don't think they are even more so. You can't possibly account for every variable.
There is only -one- variable at any given moment: Did you harm someone or not ? - If so, is there any way to restitute to forgiveness (retroactive permission) from the victim ?
Exactly. I think you do have more freedom if a sovereign nation legislates and enforces(via individual self-defence rights and small local police forces) the non aggression principle.
This is why I love the show Stranger Things - it's the story of a local cop trying to protect his community(his loved ones) from feds who violate the NAP against sovereign citizens.
This is the absolute crux of what I'm getting at here. Ancaps project their morality onto the world as much as Marxists. What if the Holy Market selects for slavery, rape and murder?
I do not see countries full of rape, murder, and corruption out competing more civil societies
But you can't give me a solid figure on the question "how big is too big?". Tell me how organized is too organized. What should I do if I see an organization of people getting too big?
Government is a croup of people organized to continually coerce a population. Any size is too big. A single problem may be solved by a single-session court, ad-hoc.