Can anyone recommend a chrome extension or something that translates all posts to a common language? Is this something that could be integrated into the client side natively? Feel like I'm missing half the action.
Sort of... it must be used by a large enough group to have any value, but its value is also a function of supply relative to the supply of productive labor which is abstractly traded
...or it can be used by a group with a large enough collective power to enforce its usage.
People who cannot commit to not Harming you = People who privately have already decided they may Harm you, eventually, if they can fabricate some kind of plausible justification for doing so.
@LightRider that's not capitalism. That's crony capitalism. Big difference. Abuse of government power is not free market. Communism is much closer to institutionalized slavery.
I have yet to meet a pro communist person who has distributed their wealth out to everyone less fortunate than them. I see them reap the benefits of capitalism while pretending it's evil.