Memo is now open source!
Who's gonna make MemoApp? :D
*jealous gf meme
Wooot, thankyoy :D!
Follow me, I'm awesome lol!
Sure, followed :)!
Memo is now open source!
Every like+reply to this status gets 10000 satoshis.
Go Ben +$BCH!
I need more people to follow :0. My halls are empty with the same echoes.
I read rectangular prison, haha close!
Tell Alex Jones it's actually *prism* planet
Told Memo this is connectedness, not rep.
> 0% just means we are in the same circles
Rep is not a good metric. Easily gameable
Told Memo this is connectedness, not rep.
Rep =how many ppl u follow that follow this
rep 0% =none of the ppl u follow, follow this
But srsly, how do I get that new rep. thing?
Rep =how many ppl u follow that follow this
Life is realising you are the creation and the creator.
Memo is addictive: Once you pop, you can't stop!
Updated my to link to Memo for verification. #FeelsGoodMan
Yay, finally I am talking to the right one :D
Memos require brevity and elegance. Unlike Twitter rants nowadays :D.
Loving the reply feature. Meeting alot of new anonymous BCH peeps.
Great Tune BCH! Link.
Thanks BCH! :D <3 Simon & Garfunkel
Keep the leaflet. Go West.
Hello Memo, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again.
One day, these memos will be like the Bitcoin Pizzas of the BCH era.
100 repliers reached! No more prize here!
Hope for more games soon ^_^! Maybe word game