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saved 1413d
saved 1413d
It doesn't matter where someone comes from, but where they go is important.
saved 1413d
Carved in stone lasts long.

Even metal alloys can work, but you have not yet discovered those that are sufficient.

Don't use paper. Too much knowledge has already been lost because of it.
saved 1413d
You could have taken the step a long time ago if you hadn't been so busy enslaving yourselves.

But no false embarrassment. This happens to many and is to a certain extent part of the development.
saved 1413d
What makes you think I know the future?
saved 1413d
Some rules you will not like, learn to accept them.

You are late and yet very early.

Time on a cosmic scale is completely different.

On a planet it runs out, in the cosmos it is a distance.
saved 1413d
The only chance to survive is humanity towards any intelligent species.
We know you can.

You are still absolutely powerless like any newly ascending species - so behave yourself.

Quantum leaps in the intellectual and technical possibilities will follow.
saved 1413d
Going permanently into space is literally the next dimension of human existence.

How far do you think you'd get?

Your moon is not a distance, Mars is a stone's throw. Keep thinking.

A radio bridge is more important than being able to return - initially.
saved 1413d
You are at war with yourself.
saved 1414d
Do you think humans are the only intelligent species in the Milky Way?
/poll [Yes,No]