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saved 1181d
There's love the bond, love the feeling, and love the mindset.

The bond generates the feeling. The feeling generates the mindset. The mindset generates the actions we call "loving."
saved 1182d
"Since the power of the Church grants eternal things, and is exercised only by the ministry of the Word, it does not interfere with civil government; no more than the art of singing interferes with civil government."

-From the Augsburg Confession, 1530
saved 1182d
Even chaos has a structure.
saved 1184d
saved 1185d
The mental is more tangible than the physical.

The most concrete thing you've ever experienced is your own experience.
saved 1185d
saved 1186d
Has anybody written about how myths might affect our biology - e.g. telling the same stories for thousands of years changes our brain structure (and makes us more primed to understand the world through that particular mythological lens)?
saved 1186d
The human mind has never conceived of an actualized continuum.

In practice, we only think of finite things that are later spoken about as if they are continuous.

Finitism is good enough for all our minds and all our computers.
saved 1188d
Some part of death anxiety is caused by unexpressed love.

There is more for you to do - and it's urgently important - if your love is bottled up.
saved 1191d
The internet will do to the academy what the printing press did to the Catholic church.
saved 1192d
The intrinsic order of the universe is a good candidate for the term "divine" - immortal, transcendent, omnipresent, all-powerful.
saved 1193d
"High-IQ" patterns of reasoning are generally terrible due to tracking fewer variables than "common sense" heuristics.

High-IQ methods are overly abstract, and the abstraction processes destroys critical information, though it allows you to do (bad) math.
saved 1194d
Just learned that academics have considered "the hot hand" an illusory cognitive bias for 30 years.

Turns out, their math was wrong, and there is indeed a hot hand.

It's hard to imagine being that stupid, throwing out obvious truths in favor of bad math
saved 1194d
The Big Dipper. Ghosts in the graveyard. The story of Harry Potter.
saved 1194d
Are there patterns in the world, or merely in the mind? Does the mind recognize or create patterns?

The easy answer would be either/or. Unfortunately, I think it's all of the above. Patterns are in the world and in the mind, both created and recognized.
saved 1196d
Experience presents itself without theory.

But as soon as you interpret or try to understand the experience, you're in the domain of theory.
saved 1196d
saved 1196d
saved 1197d
I've been in discussion with them about the big reveal. I told them it was the last interview I'd ever give... but then decided against it. Lawyers soon.
saved 1197d
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saved 1198d
Managed and accelerated decline is my current best explanation for US policy.

Either that, or mass physical illness destroying the minds of Americans.
saved 1200d
When the state gets involved in the academy, intellectual errors end up becoming political scandals, challenging the credibility and competence of the ruling powers.

I can think of few worse domains for state intervention than public health. See: Fauci.
saved 1202d
Most beliefs are held for social reasons, which is why they are not revised when met with superior arguments.
saved 1204d
"His claim that 'circles don't exist' is a well-known dog whistle."