Joined Sep 12, 2021


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followed 910d
911d · memo
Memo.sv site had an outage starting September 21. This was due to server reaching limits. It is now resolved. Current software is still single server so eventually things will stop working again.
followed topic memo 910d
Jen Psaki , along with being a CNN contributor was Senior Vice President of Global Strategy Group. A Democratic public relations & research firm whose clients include .... wait for it ... Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , Pfizer & Microsoft
saved 947d
followed topic sex 946d
followed topic The Virtue Of Selfishness 946d
followed topic Marx 946d
followed topic R 946d
947d · Quotes
"The conscious manipulation of the opinion of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country". -Edward Bernays
followed topic Quotes 946d
followed topic jack 946d
followed topic Clinton 946d
saved 946d
saved 946d
949d · hmwyda
69k and I will update profile pic, and start posting!
947d · hmwyda
76k ran out of gas for up voting
947d · Australia ozzie