Adam Back is trying to create a closed loop centralized network of people using LBTC instead of BTC so he can rake in the profits. Create problem (small blocks) and provide solution (Liquid). Sounds like banking.
Release 0.4! It isn't the full release but I am out of time before returning to work so I am releasing now! - Hashtags & mentions - Embedded content - Search topics, users &tags - MemoPay tool
Terrible experience with Circle alias USDC coin, I went to bank filled the info exactly how they say, in order to charge my account and get USDC...while I was doing so many questions.. so many signs, I felt so annoyed was build in just few days by a single person with basic JS knowledge. When people wake up to what bitdb is capable of, the BCH ecosystem will explode.
Taxes aren't voluntary. No one ever said they were. They are mandatory, you receive shit from the government that you didn't ask for and are expected to pay.
Staying creates the obligation. You may not understand the value of having been born in a stable nation, but that doesn't mean you didn't benefit from it.
Setting aside the absurdity of seeing taxation as theft, the constitution is being observed. Maybe not by your interpretation, but that just shows the importance of interpretation.
How is seeing the taking of resources without regard for consent (taxation) as theft, absurd?
Jimmy Song is suggesting on Twitter to use credit card for payment and to sell bitcoin to pay the bill, instead of doing on chain tx. I thought it was a joke, but he is serious.
You grew up knowing you were receiving those benefits, and would be asked go pay your share when you could. If you didn't make plans to leave hen you consented.
My parents gave me shit throughout my childhood, it doesn't create some kind of obligation on my part.
Not paying taxes is theft. Taxes are payment for services rendered. If you choose to live in a place that gets the benefits of taxes you are morally obligated to pay.
To merely mention the idea of the Bitcoin Cash price, is not to ask what the price is.
Most BCH supporters/users don’t even care what the day to day movements of Bitcoin Cash are anyways. We care more about adoption and economic freedom than about lambos