Bitcoin (SV)

Joined Mar 14, 2019

Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin.

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The Bitcoin Vision - Episode 24

CambrianSV Bootcamp Day 6: Logging off from Bali

CambrianSV Bootcamp Day 5: Building on BSV

CambrianSV Bootcamp Day 4: Monkey business

CambrianSV Bootcamp Day 3: Betting on Bali - and Bitcoin

CambrianSV Bootcamp Day 2: All about BSV

CambrianSV Bootcamp Day 1: Welcome to Bali

A prototype of an Email System built on top of Bitcoin SV.
"If you’re color blind, could you ever confirm that two balls your friend gives you are different colors, when they look exactly the same to you? "
Keep Twetching.

Twitter is filled with bots, trolls and misinformation. It costs nothing to post, like, follow and reply. Thus, it can easily be abused, manipulated, and your account be disabled in an instant. Likewise, it is the Twitter company that gets rich with all your activities.

Twetch ( ) is a competitor to Twitter built on top of Bitcoin SV. It costs $0.02 to post, but you earn up to $0.09 for every people that followed you, liked your post, and even replied to your messages. It incentivized people to post information that will be valued by someone else, and discourages bad behaviors by costing them money.

Decades from now, more applications will be built around this economic system of Bitcoin SV, forming the new Internet - on what will be known as Metanet. And all other applications that failed to move to Metanet will still be running on what we currently know as Internet, where the true value of information could not be ascertained as Bots, Trolls a...
Bitcoin SV now supports the deployment of HTML pages, static assets and entire websites to the Bitcoin (SV) Blockchain in a true Server-less Concept.

The future versions of this will enable dynamic type through the powerful structures provided by Metanet. It is just a matter of time.

What everyone thought of as impossible is unfolding gradually to the surprises of many.

A key thing to note, everything that you can build on the Internet can all be built on Bitcoin (SV) in a better and more secure way via Metanet.
set profile 2036d
Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin.
The Bitcoin Vision - Episode 23

It is now formally linked. Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin.

It is pretty alarming that people blindly invest in BTC without even reading and properly understanding the whitepaper.
Two fools battling it out. Trapped in their own world of scalability issues. Openly admitting Ethereum and EOS blockchains are a dead end.

The future is clear. The Blockchain that scales the most and aligns with economic incentive will subsume the rest.
The Impact of Craig Wright taking legal action.

The Bitcoin Naming Convention alone will spell a catastrophic effect on BTC and BCH.

This document shows either:
a.) Satoshi Nakamoto plagiarized Dr. Craig S. Wright's work
b.) Satoshi Nakamoto is Dr. Craig S. Wright

Lucky are the ones who dig deeper than the ordinary, for they will learn the truth. Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin Vision - Episode 22

Weather SV - A Bitcoin (SV) Weather Application

Weather SV is a weather application running on top of Bitcoin (SV) that broadcasts and records weather information on-demand. It demonstrates how real time data can simply be stored immutably on the Bitcoin (SV) Blockchain.
Data like this can never be altered by anyone without a trace, enabling a definitive proof of an accurate facts that have existed at a point in time.

A collection of this type of statistics and other relevant information of any kind can now be simply collected and stored together for future generations to use.
The exciting part is that this application alone had already generated a whooping six million (6,000,000) transactions on the Bitcoin (SV) Blockchain.

The real growth is expected to be exponential, not by trading (gambling on crypto currency exchanges), but by a volume of useful Bitcoin (SV) applications improving the lives of many.

The New Bitcoin (SV) Economy.

Contrary to what other coins are promoting as Buy and Hold, the new Bitcoin (SV) economy had entered a new paradigm of Earn and Use.

The real traction of it being a utility will gradually hit an exponential rate in its volume of transactions not by being traded on crypto currency exchanges but by actual usage on multiple Bitcoin (SV) applications.
A Visual Representation of Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin Core (BTC). Size Matters.

Why Mine Bitcoin SV?

Academics are starting to learn and in fact progressing on the idea of Bitcoin (SV) Blockchain.

In a recent article regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI), they have laid down the possible use cases and future applications expected to be disrupted by AI and Blockchain combined. It is their belief that this will become a reality within a decade, give or take.

"AI and blockchain could impact fields like Internet of things (IoT), identity, financial markets, civil governance, smart cities, small communities, supply chains, personalized medicine and other fields, and thereby deliver benefits to many people."

The future will be built on Bitcoin (SV).