Bitcoin (SV)

Joined Mar 14, 2019

Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin.

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The Progressive Era (1890s to the 1920s).

The Progressives reshaped the economy as we know it. It never came into fruition by chance. It is a product of a series of both successes and failures of the past. Their Era had an overreaching grasp of the many social topics of their time that ranged from cartels, war, collectivism, regulation, income taxes, family issues, Prohibition, to Federal Reserve. Cartels had become rampant and the effects had spilled worldwide.

It is the cartels that undoubtedly made it worst (though short sighted thoughts would argue otherwise). Decisions were somewhat made from the influence of the lobbyist that came from the elite interests of those who belonged to the ambit of Morgan's, Rockefeller's and their likes. The Federal Reserve is just one but perhaps the biggest among their creations, that enabled the acceleration of credit formation and inflation. The current trillion dollar debt says it all.

Cartels are doomed to fail. Internal and extern...
The Bitcoin Vision: Episode 2

The Bitcoin "Get Rich Quick" Fallacy.

There is a mistaken notion among Crypto Communities that by simply keeping Bitcoin Core (BTC) will get you rich. They advocate HODL, a term they used to promote holding the coin instead of using it with the hope of selling it later at a higher price. This is False.

What they are not telling you, is that Bitcoin Core (BTC) functionality was already capped at 1MB size. An 8-inch disk in 1977 can already contain a transaction of this size. How do you expect transactions to accelerate when you limit its capacity? And so, the promise to get rich quick was designed to progress their case. In reality it is an empty promise unable to contain the transactions of the world.

Bitcoin is an Economic System where its real value is derived from its economic activities. And the only way this economic incentive will be realized is through the volume of its usage.

The Real Bitcoin lives on as Bitcoin SV (BSV). With it's massive scaling program, it...
Know your Bitcoin History. Are you Holding the Fake One?

(Fake in the context of this post is defined as Not Original / Not Genuine with reference to the Bitcoin Protocol.)

In 2009, the Bitcoin Protocol was released. It was called Bitcoin.

In 2017, a group of Core Developers introduced a change in the Bitcoin Protocol called SegWit (Segregated Witness) that was not part of the original design, destroyed the Incentive Based System of Bitcoin, and broke the Chain of Digital Signatures specified in the Bitcoin Whitepaper. It altered the Bitcoin design forever. Their coin is now represented by the symbol BTC and people call it Bitcoin Core (BTC).

In 2018, another group of ABC Developers introduced another controversial and somewhat illegal codes to the Bitcoin Protocol. The controversial code is called CTOR (Canonical Transaction Ordering) and the illegal code is called DSV (DataSigVerify). Again, these altered the Bitcoin design forever. CTOR changed the natural state of Bitcoin Tr...
The One Minute Block Time Fallacy.

There is a mistaken notion among Bitcoin Developers that a one minute block generation time is a superior processing period than the existing ten minute rule. Thus, enabling merchants to quickly secure their Bitcoin payments. Quite simply, this is false.

This claim was made with their ill intention to modify the rules in the middle of the game, and skew the system towards their favor. They want to change the protocol and introduce an inferior system that is not part of the original Bitcoin design. The smaller miners having less than 10% of the overall hash rate will then be disadvantaged, as they can't cope up with the block propagation time (One minute) against the giants of the mining industry.

Bitcoin (SV) already solved the issue of the merchant's payment via Zero Confirmation time since day one back in 2009. Researched and mathematically proven, the truth is that the perfect time lies between five and 20 minutes. And there is no exa...
How institutions decay and economies die?

The recurrence of what seemingly a routine case of recession, is in fact a symptom of a more profound complications of a decaying institutions and economies - that is not being addressed at its roots. Kicking the can ought to be the norm, relying on the future generations to hopefully figure it out.

How do you expect trillions of debt to be repaid? And by Who? And When?

Then you will see what's inevitable.

Read: The Great Degeneration by Niall Ferguson
The Bitcoin Vision: Episode 1

Banks operate at a very expensive cost. They have CEOs to pay that draws millions of $$$ in salary. And a technology outpaced by the security and efficiency of Bitcoin (SV).

Bitcoin (SV) is not anti-bank. It forces them to be honest. At scale, it enables them to be more efficient. It pushes the bar up for competition.

A single transaction in Bitcoin (SV) will cost only a cent ($0.01). At scale, it will be even less, probably $0.001 - that is almost zero at the range of cents (two digits). Literally Free.
"Bitcoin (SV) is the most secure hard disk that will ever exist. And BitDB is the memory that lets you make the most out of it."

Introducing BitDB. A Random Access Memory (RAM) for Bitcoin (SV).

BitDB solved the missing link, where developers build their own databases just to build apps. Resulting in a volume of inconsistent databases and incompatible apps. Imagine Facebook doesn't work with Twitter, or Uber doesn't work with Grab and Careem.

BitDB is a Universal Bitcoin (SV) Database that enables developers to focus on building compatible apps. A precursor to the world of MetaNet.

Read: BitDB Random Access Memory for Bitcoin by Unwriter
The "Code is Law" Fallacy.

There is a mistaken notion in crypto community that "Code is Law". Their computer codes govern their system. Promising their projects to be out of reach by any government. Quite simply, this is false. It is one of the many scam techniques they use to buy you in.

"Cryptographic keys do not stop a court assigning an asset. You can destroy a key, but this merely stops all access to the key, not the courts ability to enforce payment. A court can also hold a party in Contempt for not delivering value (leading to an indefinite period of incarceration without trial). More, intentional destruction of the keys could be deemed a crime."

Read: Negotiable Instruments by Dr. Craig Wright
Life is not a competition. It is a series of moments.

A life of ten years and that of 70 are deemed complete when it ends.

Dance it with grace.

Read: The Courage to Be Disliked: The Japanese Phenomenon That Shows You How to Change Your Life and Achieve Real Happiness by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga.
set profile 2157d
Educating the world about MetaNet & Bitcoin SV - the original Bitcoin. One day at a time.
Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin. It restores the original Bitcoin protocol, will keep it stable, and allow it to massively scale. Bitcoin SV will maintain the vision set out by Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper in 2008.

Read: The Bitcoin White Paper

MetaNet is a mind blowing concept that even the so called IT Experts and Security Professionals will get it wrong the first time.

The key to understanding it is the acknowledgement that you can't comprehend MetaNet unless you dive deep into the rabbit hole of Bitcoin (SV).

Bitcoin (SV) scales to contain all of the world's data. Satoshi had this to say ten years ago with older hardware.

"Bitcoin can already scale much larger than [Visa] with EXISTING HARDWARE for a fraction of the cost. It never really hits a scale ceiling." - Satoshi Nakamoto
Facebook & Google monetize your data. You thought its Free but was actually paid by your privacy. You are their product.

In MetaNet, its the other way around. Your privacy remains without giving up your data. You monetize it yourself before granting them access.

Why? Because they no longer keep your data - Bitcoin (SV) does. And your Wallet Key has the sole access to it.

Data is the new oil, and you have it.
Bitcoin (SV) is a security. It falls within a few extremely narrow exclusions in the law. It was designed with Governments in mind.

Satoshi is a Lawyer.

A good starting point if you want to find your way out of the rat race.

What the rich teach their kids about money, that the poor and middle class do not.

Read: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Bitcoin (SV) is an honest man's system.
set profile 2160d
Educating the world about Bitcoin SV - the original Bitcoin. One day at a time.
Bitcoin (SV) has the potential to replace all existing payment systems to become the world’s primary infrastructure for commerce over the internet.

The Bitcoin Block Orphaning Flaw Fallacy.

There is a mistaken notion that a Bitcoin miner producing orphaned block is a flaw. Most mathematicians & computer scientists see this as a fault that needs to be fixed. Quite simply, this is false.

What they failed to understand or perhaps refused to, is that Block orphaning is part of the Bitcoin grand design. It is a signalling technique that enables miners to understand the efficiency of their investment in the system. The orphaned blocks indicate that they have to improve their infrastructure.

You can't fix a problem that does not exist.
Is it better to be loved or feared?

“The answer is that one would like to be both the one and the other; but because it is difficult to combine them, it is far safer to be feared than loved if you cannot be both.” - Machiavelli

Read: The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
Welcome to the original, stable & unbounded bitcoin protocol. No limits, on-chain.

Most if not all, that is being achieved by other Blockchain Development Group as cryptocurrency is already available in Bitcoin(SV).

Good developers do not reinvent the wheel and sell it as if that makes them smart.

Why so? They want to create new coins (illegal securities) that would enrich themselves. Put it simply, they want your money.
How Bitcoin SV works as cash?
