
Joined Sep 13, 2018

NANO is an instant p2p currency without inflation or miners. NANO is green and decentralized.

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followed 1822d
replied 1822d
Who drives and funds the spec?
followed 1822d
followed 1822d
replied 1822d
This is the question we should be answering imo.
How can we start iterating decentralized governance work on BCH?
followed 1822d
replied 1822d
Tax is the wrong word. It's a distribution to developers instead of miners. The vast majority of people using BCH will not pay into it.
replied 1822d
1) Developers are more important than miners
2) Yes it is being discussed, without censorship
3) No its just a distribution method.
set profile pic 1823d
set profile 1823d
NANO is an instant p2p currency without inflation or miners. NANO is green and decentralized.
set name to NanoIsBest 1823d
set name to 1823d
I prefer developers get block rewards over miners.