-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 旧的列表: old list:
毒品像一个魔鬼,摧毁了无数的家庭。明星作为公众人物,他们的一举一动可以说都会给社会带来很大的影响。他们应该甚至要受到更重的法律处罚 Drugs are like a devil, destroying countless families. Stars as public figures, their every move can be said to have a great impact on society. They should be even more severely punished by law
1-1.陈羽凡,曾经吸过毒,现在还活跃在屏幕上,应该封杀。 5% 1-1.Chen Yufan, who used to take drugs, is still active on the screen and should be blocked. 1-1.https://weibo.com/u/2113045567 1-1.More Info: 1-1.https://weibo.com/a/hot/7564579302840321_1.html 1-1.https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1618419543124391000&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-2.宋冬野,吸毒还不觉得不好,应该封杀。 3% 1-2.Song Dongye, drug addicts still don't know how to repent, should be banned. 1-2.https://weibo.com/donye 1-2.More Info: 1-2.https://www.zhihu.com/question/59721629 1-2.https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1650360863574583838&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-3.柯震东,我觉得他吸毒更出名,请惩罚他。 5% 1-3.Ke Zhendong, I think he is more famous...
#hmwyda wishlist:
Drugs are like a devil, destroying countless families. Stars as public figures, their every move can be said to have a great impact on society. They should be even more severely punished by law
1-1.陈羽凡,曾经吸过毒,现在还活跃在屏幕上,应该封杀。 5%
1-1.Chen Yufan, who used to take drugs, is still active on the screen and should be blocked.
1-1.More Info:
1-2.宋冬野,吸毒还不觉得不好,应该封杀。 3%
1-2.Song Dongye, drug addicts still don't know how to repent, should be banned.
1-2.More Info:
1-3.柯震东,我觉得他吸毒更出名,请惩罚他。 5%
1-3.Ke Zhendong, I think he is more famous for taking drugs...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 旧的列表: old list:
毒品像一个魔鬼,摧毁了无数的家庭。明星作为公众人物,他们的一举一动可以说都会给社会带来很大的影响。他们应该甚至要受到更重的法律处罚 Drugs are like a devil, destroying countless families. Stars as public figures, their every move can be said to have a great impact on society. They should be even more severely punished by law
1-1.陈羽凡,曾经吸过毒,现在还活跃在屏幕上,应该封杀。 5% 1-1.Chen Yufan, who used to take drugs, is still active on the screen and should be blocked. 1-1.https://weibo.com/u/2113045567 1-1.More Info: 1-1.https://weibo.com/a/hot/7564579302840321_1.html 1-1.https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1618419543124391000&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-2.宋冬野,吸毒还不觉得不好,应该封杀。 3% 1-2.Song Dongye, drug addicts still don't know how to repent, should be banned. 1-2.https://weibo.com/donye 1-2.More Info: 1-2.https://www.zhihu.com/question/59721629 1-2.https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1650360863574583838&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-3.柯震东,我觉得他吸毒更出名,请惩罚他。 5% 1-3.Ke Zhendong, I think he is more famous...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 毒品像一个魔鬼,摧毁了无数的家庭。明星作为公众人物,他们的一举一动可以说都会给社会带来很大的影响。他们应该甚至要受到更重的法律处罚 Drugs are like a devil, destroying countless families. Stars as public figures, their every move can be said to have a great impact on society. They should be even more severely punished by law
1-1.陈羽凡,曾经吸过毒,现在还活跃在屏幕上,应该封杀。 5% 1-1.Chen Yufan, who used to take drugs, is still active on the screen and should be blocked. 1-1.https://weibo.com/u/2113045567 1-1.More Info: 1-1.https://weibo.com/a/hot/7564579302840321_1.html 1-1.https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1618419543124391000&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-2.宋冬野,吸毒还不觉得不好,应该封杀。 3% 1-2.Song Dongye, drug addicts still don't know how to repent, should be banned. 1-2.https://weibo.com/donye 1-2.More Info: 1-2.https://www.zhihu.com/question/59721629 1-2.https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1650360863574583838&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-3.柯震东,我觉得他吸毒更出名,请惩罚他。 5% 1-3.Ke Zhendong, I think he is more famous for taking drugs...