Wanted to donate to letsencrypt.org. I use their free service & want it to survive. They only accept min of $10 and they say for bitcoin (only BTC) it must be $1,000. Prolly cuz of fees. Sounds like they don't get it.
GreenPages.cash has netted about 50$ in donations since I added the MoneyButton/tip address. No tips bigger than $1 except a single 10$ donation.
Guys, have read bch-price-bot discussion ;) Initially bot only responded to request phrases, to increase a bit his awareness I have changed it to be more proactive :)
Just sent Justin Biebers "Baby" lyrics to Jason Cramer using Bitcoin Files Protocol. It is a very important step. download my file : bitcoinfile:85a56dbddb02b1447ee2a81e28642518af1c3896b3ac2c28465284af454c3a13
Ah mate, I remember doing that, stressful times but also very very special times, your life will change in a instant. Best of luck to yourself and Mrs Mike :-)
I have made this extension to add missed functionality, and yes memo.cash have plans to add payments feature prefix 0x6d24 already mentioned in protocol :) https://memo.cash/protocol
Thank you - this made my day (I had blistered past your announcement and forgot about it) Now all I need to do is find a way to discover new unfunded account addresses ! Cheers
💚💚 [IDEA] Bring in a business that will run campaign with http://www.memopay.xyz and be rewarded with 500 satoshis per each tx in campaign. Let's see if it works 😀 Community power! 💚💚