The BCH blockchain, and the OP_RETURN data can't be shut down. definitely CAN be shut down. is the protocol with bunch of prefixes :) so literally without you can send memo txs + you can make your own memo posts crawler with bitsocket for ex update: Memo post now lead to , bitcoinfile files now lead to . You can also configure where different protocols lead in Settings
🤖 BCH-price-BOT update: since now bot will reply on post containing these phrases only ['BCH PRICE', 'PRICE OF BCH', 'BITCOIN CASH PRICE', '!PRICE'] . Register is not important, ie bITcOin cASh PrIcE works also.
Memo of course ;-)
Twitter, we need more people on twitter defending BCH, the coretard's are out in force there.
Reddit, not just r/BTC but r/bitcoin too (read only haha)
Oh. I was playing PlayBCH. I just realized that if you win, it sends the funds to the address that sent it. Not sure why i thought it would be mine and not memopays (duh!).