Correction: 141 Blocks, 2.078.077 Tx, 516.673.030 Bytes mined between 09.01 12:00 UTC and 09.02 12:00 UTC . Thanx to SuperHacker for attention.
There are still lots of stress test txns going through on txhighway. some big blasts too.
C'mon miners, we got 47MB in the mempool. Mine a fat one!
A 21M (21,354,763 bytes) block was mined by an anonymous node.
I just woke up. First thing I thought of was "Whats the biggest block so far?" What is it?
The biggest block so far was 15.2Mb, mined at 14:41UTC by an unknown miner. Block
And again...
Blast of txns happening right now.