The Man

Joined Apr 06, 2019

The One Who Try to Solve the World!

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Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
My motto is, 'Never quit.'
Either I will find a way, or I will make one.
Spending time with negative people can be the fastest way to ruin a good mood. Their pessimistic outlooks and gloomy attitude can decrease our motivation and change the way we feel. But allowing a negative person to dictate your emotions gives them too much power in your life. Make a conscious effort to choose your attitude.
Sticking to good habits can be hard work, and mistakes are part of the process. Don't declare failure simply because you messed up or because you're having trouble reaching your goals. Instead, use your mistakes as opportunities to grow stronger and become better.
Mentors don't just have to be people who are older or more experienced than you are. Mentors are people who really care about you, know you, and want to offer feedback and advice to help you grow.
I think that life is difficult. People have challenges. Family members get sick, people get older, you don't always get the job or the promotion that you want. You have conflicts in your life. And really, life is about your resilience and your ability to go through your life and all of the ups and downs with a positive attitude.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.
Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.
No matter what has happened to you in the past or what is going on in your life right now, it has no power to keep you from having an amazingly good future if you will walk by faith in God. God loves you! He wants you to live with victory over sin so you can possess His promises for your life today!
No matter what has happened to you in the past or what is going on in your life right now, it has no power to keep you from having an amazingly good future if you will walk by faith in God. God loves you! He wants you to live with victory over sin so you can possess His promises for your life today!
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life.
Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.
Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.
Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.
Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.
The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.
No matter what has happened to you in the past or what is going on in your life right now, it has no power to keep you from having an amazingly good future if you will walk by faith in God. God loves you! He wants you to live with victory over sin so you can possess His promises for your life today!
Attack of the Orphan Trolls

A few days ago, the Bitcoin (SV) blockchain had an event described as a six-block reorganization. For the trolls, they jumped on and declared it as a failure of the BSV chain. In reality, nothing was lost, not a fund was double spent, not a single transaction was rejected, not anything. Now, where did it really fail?

Let us understand, that a reorganization of blocks occur when two competing miners found a solution to the next block in almost exactly the same time. Their job is to propagate this block as fast as they can, so the rest of the miners can proceed building the next block on top of it. Since two blocks were found, there exist a temporary two chains where miners compete until the next block is found and propagated, so they can build on top of it again. This cycle moves on until a clear winner dominates the next block and eventually emerge as the main chain where all miners need to build-upon, resulting to what we call block reorganization, unr...
Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. These are not cliches but real tools you need no matter what you do in life to stay focused on your path.
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.
The secret of living a life of excellence is merely a matter of thinking thoughts of excellence. Really, it's a matter of programming our minds with the kind of information that will set us free.