smitty werbenjagermanjensen

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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2433d · Altcoins
A space to discuss the happenings of various Altcoins
Already using Memo more than other social media, amazing community +1 😁
2434d · Projects
Either or.. like I saw someone taking wagers for Korea vs Germany (rip) based on likes and tips so maybe a smart contract embedded into likes of a status to automatically calculate and payout wins
2434d · Projects
Welcome any BCH based projects; share ideas, GitHub repos, links.
2434d · Where to spend Bitcoin Cash?
Namecheap accepts BCH. Great company to boost adoption.
The more you learn about the Lightning Network, the more complex their system looks. Meanwhile, an evidence based solution already exists...
A 51% attack against Bitcoin Cash by BitPico. How far will they get in their so-called stress test? Thought?
As in nature, organization(s) must evolve to survive in an ever-changing environment. With the continued growth of the Peer-2-Peer & decentralized economies, only the organizations willing to change will survive.