
Joined Apr 23, 2018


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replied 2413d
Most likely, but we shouldn't have to exchange between Monero just to get private BCH. That's the problem.
replied 2413d
Yes and no. With Monero, it seems protocol level privacy is the superior solution. As evidenced by this thread however, the first step is to get the community to actually care.
replied 2413d
Not different from fiat, no. But certainly different from Monero and other coins with working privacy implementations.
replied 2413d
Try sending your coins to LocalBitcoins or any gambling site. Coinbase will ban your account for TOS violations. They watch your money, after it leaves their exchange.
replied 2413d
Uh, drawbacks are drawbacks. CashShuffle is less functional than a traditional mixer with no improvement in fungibility and obfuscation. Trustless doesn't make those issues go away.
replied 2413d
Sk8eM dUb
Lol I know. I just love saying it. Mostly because of how ironic it is. Truth is world is almost never absolute.
replied 2413d
Like @Bryce kinda hinted at, really just the elimination of the concept of dirty/tainted currency.
replied 2413d
Fungibility in my book means no coins are less valuable than each other. For example, a coin shouldn't have it's value obviated because an exchange doesn't like a transaction.
replied 2413d
Only a sith deals in absolutes
replied 2413d
So, killed essentially right?
replied 2413d
The point LR is making is that there is no room for civilized exchange of ideas or sound arguments with us. The premise is not that we are simply mistaken, but that we are evil.
replied 2413d
Traditional mixing services are better than CashShuffle imo

Which isn't really a good thing. Protocol layer fungibility is a must have.

2413d · Bitcoin Cash
I could never live in a society like China's, and i know that's exactly where the United States is trying to go and follow in their footsteps.
2413d · Bitcoin Cash
As much as some of our Chinese friends like @Kokansei and @minkaminka praise or at least understand Chinese motivations and choices with censorship and such, China seems like hell to me.
2413d · Bitcoin Cash
It's like that episode of Black Mirror where they use your social media to judge whether you can rent apartments and stuff like that.
replied 2413d
Maybe. Every time I've asked about it I've just had CashShuffle shoved at me. CashShuffle isn't fungibility. It's decentralized mixing. Nothing special about it.
replied 2413d
If anything, the only real benefit these other coins have imo is to later have their specializations brought to Bitcoin somehow. With a few exceptions like LBRY.
replied 2413d
I'm so very tired of people in, for example, the Nano community making posts like "glad we aren't private, we will get rich cuz gov," I think the fight for fungibility is well worth it
2413d · Bitcoin Cash
Like most layman OpSec these days, it depends on your threat model.
2413d · Bitcoin Cash
I wouldn't worry about Coinbase or whatever tracing mixer tx's to find out what your buying. But i wouldn't count on pissing off the NSA and getting away with it either.
2413d · Bitcoin Cash
Contrary to popular belief, i think mixers are secure enough for most people until real fungibility arrives. That is to say, as long as you don't face a capable adversary, your fine.
2413d · Bitcoin Cash
We shouldn't hold back fungibility because we are afraid the gov. won't back us. They already don't support us, and they probably wont for a very, very long time.
2413d · Bitcoin Cash
Bottom line, people shouldn't need to use an exchange to go through 5 altcoins because each has a single property that's useful to them.
2413d · Bitcoin Cash
All of these problems need to be resolved on ONE chain. Unified and accessible to everyone. Isn't that the BCH model?
2413d · Bitcoin Cash
If we ever hope to become a global currency, we can't just keep pushing people to other chains for their financial concerns. Fungibility, low fees, fast confirmations etc.