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2394d · Flat Earth
She hasn't been in space since 2012. She returned to Earth at Kazakstan in November of 2012. She was just recently selected for the commercial crew program.
replied 2394d
The thermodynamics of a space shuttle in re-entry are nothing like your house in the summer.
replied 2394d
Equating shuttle heat shields to air conditioners for a house?
replied 2394d
So now you don't believe in heat shields?
replied 2394d
NASA didn't make those. And yes, some material is lost when your blazing through the atmosphere at thousands of mph with an exterior temperature greater than 2000 degrees.
replied 2394d
So, like this?
replied 2394d
Or this?
replied 2394d
So, like this?
replied 2394d
You mean something like this?:
replied 2394d
Well the one in the picture this month is not in space. And the one in STS-107 died on re-entry during the Columbia disaster.
replied 2394d
Again, not the same person.

is not
replied 2394d
You don't even question the 30+ cents of that tax dollar used to buy overpriced, overvalued tanks, fighter jets, helicopters etc. to fight a never ending war on 3rd world citizens.
replied 2394d
I think its hilarious that you spend all your time obsessing over the possibility that 1 cent out of your tax dollar could be wasted.
replied 2394d
The lady on the left in your picture is not in space. And has not been in the last 12 months from what i can gather https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Soyuz_missions
replied 2394d
That's actually pretty good. Saving on mission costs :) So long as they are sturdy and reliable.
replied 2394d
replied 2394d
She isn't in space. The most recent woman to go to the station was on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soyuz_MS-09
replied 2394d
You want links? Your not even looking in the right group of astronauts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Astronaut_class_group_20.jpg

2009 Astronaut class.
replied 2394d
replied 2394d
The current dragon capsules in operation are not man-rated for flight. If she came back the only way would be on a Soyuz capsule.
replied 2394d
Maybe you want them to say they are getting paid $10 million and hypnotized by George Soros to support the devil and hide the true existence of God and the firmament?
replied 2394d
What exactly is there to debunk here? It's a bunch of astronauts standing in front of some capsules. What do you want them to say? That all the missions are fake CGI programs?
2394d · Flat Earth
It's like thinking planes are a hoax because there is no way air could hold that much weight...
2394d · Flat Earth
And because your mind can't grasp anything beyond your own tiny human perspective, so anyone who suggests otherwise is wrong?