voted Right before activation, massive hashrate from BTC shifts over to BCH. It's the chinese miners pre actively moving in to defensive positions. C&C still tries to attack! 2312d
What do you think will happen November the 15th? (C&C = Coingeek & nChain)
Nothing, ABC 0.18 will quickly activate with 60% of the hashrate, which will grow to 80% within a week. C&C will keep on mining on ABC 0.18
1 votes
(1 unique)
· 0 satoshis
ABC 0.18 will quickly activate with majority hashrate, C&C will mine on SV with minority hashrate and Bitcoin BSV will be created.
2 votes
(2 unique)
· 600 satoshis
Before activation, massive hashrate from BTC shifts over to BCH. It's the chinese miners pre actively moving in to defensive positions. C&C does not attack
0 votes
(0 unique)
· 0 satoshis
Right before activation, massive hashrate from BTC shifts over to BCH. It's the chinese miners pre actively moving in to defensive positions. C&C still tries to attack!
1 votes
(1 unique)
· 0 satoshis
C&C attack first, as the attack is unfolding hashrate moves from BTC to BCH to defend against it. There will be some disruption of service but temporarilty.
0 votes
(0 unique)
· 0 satoshis
C&C attack, no hashrate moves from BTC to BCH to defend. C&C cause massive chaos and disruption of service. The price of BCH plummet. BCH dies.
0 votes
(0 unique)
· 0 satoshis
C&C attack, no hashrate moves from BTC to BCH to defend. C&C cause massive chaos and disruption of service. The price of BCH plummet. BCH dies. Bitcoin BSV never happens.
0 votes
(0 unique)
· 0 satoshis
C&C attack, no hashrate moves from BTC to BCH to defend. C&C cause massive chaos and disruption of service. The price of BCH plummet. BCH dies but Bitcoin BSV takes over
2 votes
(2 unique)
· 0 satoshis
C&C does not attack, but they put majority hashrate on SV and no hashrate moves from BTC. ABC 0.18 is now a minority chain but C&C does not attack it. Bitcoin SV, gets the BCH ticker.
1 votes
(1 unique)
· 0 satoshis
C&C does not attack, but they put majority hashrate on SV and no hashrate moves from BTC.. Bitcoin SV, does NOT get the BCH ticker.
0 votes
(0 unique)
· 0 satoshis
Bitcoin SV does not get majority hashrate but does get the BCH ticker.
0 votes
(0 unique)
· 0 satoshis
Bitcoin SV is created as a seperate coin but most exchanges refuse to support it and the BSV chain bleeds to death fairly quickly.
0 votes
(0 unique)
· 0 satoshis
A meteorite hits the planet and the internet goes down worldwide.
1 votes
(1 unique)
· 0 satoshis
It turns out we are living in a simulation and everybody is an NPC who's purpose is to support Kain_niaK (who is real) in his quest.
Do you feel like you are doing enough to help grow Bitcoin Cash? Have you created a Bitcoin Cash Meetup Group locally? Why not? What are you waiting for? Adoption starts with you. It's time to get moving.
No matter the intent of the core trolls, if they are posting on Memo they are helping to spread the adoption of Bitcoin Cash. I don't think they've quite understood that yet. 🤣
I recently signed him up on, he literally needs a specimen for research.
lol, ring is as much decentralized as skype was in early years. you are comparing apples with oranges. Blockchain is far, far superior. It’s the innovation, DHT is not.
>Blockchain is far, far superior. It’s the innovation, DHT is not.
That is the most stupid thing I've heard this week.
"Just like Microsoft's Limited Public License has a platform limitation for free usage, nChain's license limits free usage to the Bitcoin Cash blockchain."
It is not free for any developers on BCH. It is free for developers who ask and get permission - big difference. Actually read the damn license, not just PR release.
Is this Bad or Good? I'm really not sure @im_uname. As I understand it, the IP is free to use for any developers in the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Does nChain have an endGame?
>As I understand it, the IP is free to use for any developers in the Bitcoin Cash blockchain