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saved 1249d
@4 :: one more freebie : <https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID3815694_code623849.pdf>
saved 1249d
but you designed for revoking a key to still allow logins w/ the key (w/o knowing email) and txs to be added to the db so long as it is a twetch and not a market buy right
saved 1249d
The entanglement of players's choices can have the effect of a contract by preventing players from profiting from what is known as betrayal.

E12 : Deuteronomy 1:7–8... b/c I didn't offer your kids the promised land and then revert after you decided aether
saved 1249d
In quantum game theory, it has been found that the introduction of quantum information into multiplayer games allows a new type of equilibrium strategy not found in traditional games.
saved 1249d
@54 : twetch'd out the private keys so consider *this* account deleted
saved 1249d
Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.”
saved 1249d
...the application level developers lack the intelligence or understanding of the seriousness of their position to realize they should be challenging the protocol developers
saved 1249d
*this* means your protocol level developers are doing something besides secure the network (they're using your txs to try and weaken the curve and complete the CSW is satoshi storyline b4 the patent lawyers take over taking your youth and old age) and...
saved 1249d
back when the Bitcoin game theory was real the coin have already left the account... *this* means there is no Nash eq *here* and the overhead of cryptography (which has negative implications for the enduser) isn't offering any real benefits
saved 1249d
> :: (John 21:19) : Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”
saved 1249d
never memory window cruise over arrow sibling earth act silly crazy muffin

^ *this* = private keys to @14 account : the Facebook/Google backend *here* makes the entire site structure and content deterministic... $I win by not falsifying the account value
saved 1249d
@2 + @11 : that is how we played BTC... it was "us" against the world
saved 1249d
@2 + @11 : at *this* difficulty level post-BSV games are religions b/c Nash doesn't work... we have to follow the rules to the letter and all win otherwise each time one of us gains via inflation the rest of us will experience latency when outsiders attack
saved 1249d
@2 : I've enumerated the actual things that need to be solved if people are going to keep playing and it'd be a game for sure, but we'd all have to acknowledge and play it
saved 1249d
@11 : these are just the general issues
saved 1249d
@11 : the hackers are going to stop hitting the endpoints via specs b/c blasting a direction radiation w/ space and blaming space weather will be cheaper
saved 1249d
@11 : the hackers are going to stop hitting the endpoints via specs b/c blasting a direction w/ space and blaming space radiation will be cheaper
saved 1249d
@11 : In the past 36 hours alone, the sun has produced 3 relatively bright coronal mass ejections (CMEs)... one of them will collide w/ Earth on Friday.

In a parity game where winning = finding the EVEN node only to lose b/c an SEU bit flips size ergo ODD
saved 1249d
@11 : “the space hurricane will lead to important space weather effects like increased satellite drag, disturbances in High Freq radio communications, and increased errors in over-the-horizon radar location, satellite navigation and communication systems.”
saved 1249d
@11 : as of 3/2/21 space hurricanes exist
saved 1249d
@11 : $I intend to prove our collective value is enhanced by a fusion strategy while our collective value is tapered across the board and skewed to the worst idea if we opt for fission (compete against others alone)
saved 1249d
@11 : if one doesn't kno the graph they are playing on... all a dishonest gov needs to do is select a single out-going edge from each vertex of V0 that the resulting subgraph has the property that in each cycle the largest occurring color is even.
saved 1249d
This means that if a player has a winning strategy then that player has a winning strategy that depends only on the current board position, and not on the history of the play.
saved 1249d
Solving a parity game played on a finite graph means deciding, for a given starting position, which of the two players has a winning strategy.
saved 1249d