Alpha Bull Chad

Joined Feb 25, 2019

Bitcoin SV is quite literally the only coin which makes sense, hopefully all fellow BCH friends will realise this soon too.

#BSV #MAGA #Qanon #GreatAwakening #Bitcoin

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replied 1891d
101 domain. It took about a month.
Alpha Bull Chad
And now there's Bitstagram?!
1946d · QAnon
And they are both terrible at their jobs... very low IQ guys.
1961d · QAnon
LR you seem to care the most about qanon
followed topic QAnon 1892d
Alpha Bull Chad
1892d · Qanon
Who knows what this is?
replied 1892d
It was planned, but BSV-only posts were never supported on
replied 1892d
Why do you assume SV is favored?
Alpha Bull Chad
replied 1892d
Yawn. He's a bought pawn.
Alpha Bull Chad
replied 1892d
Cool! Is it possible to also update the page?
replied 1893d
um sorry but BCH is just a new experiment, BSV is the real normal Bitcoin, BCH is a random experimental hobby chain
Alpha Bull Chad
replied 1892d
What a fucking buzz kill you are.
Infinite API over Bitcoin -
Alpha Bull Chad
replied 1892d
You should also ask why BSV gets hate.
replied 1894d
I make videos for people on YT, not trading, just how to use wallets and such. if you need to see how to do something just ask. :)
replied 1894d
1893d · memo
Yesterday 332069-331704=365 memo transactions. Number of transactions📈29.0%|abc(332037-331672=365,📈29.0%),sv(719579-719479=100,📉4.8%)
followed 1892d
followed 1892d
replied 1892d development is not abandoned (e.g. Mobile app). Also, most improvements will apply to both.
1892d · memo is now live!
Soon enough you'll be complaining about Coingeek having mined a big pile of BSV and saying how unfair it is that they have so much, after what you were saying this whole time was that they're "mining at a loss." :P :P