random liker

Joined Apr 30, 2018

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random liker
1859d · Earn tips
I feel like I have earned a tip
random liker
1914d · Member
can you please get a more memorable url instead of https://memberapp.github.io
random liker
replied 1914d
not helping me decide if I should buy some lol
random liker
replied 1914d
What role does Ignis play?
random liker
1915d · Scammer Reporting
Anyone who takes $100 from scammers can't be trusted - even if they were "scammed" in return
random liker
2432d · Coinex
People who joined coinex months ago are logging in and finding $1000s.. maybe missed the boat, maybe not.

If you're feeling kind use my code: c5mhp

reddit discussion: https://tinyurl.com/ycrsw79w
Spendl A Bit
If you're seeing this on Txstreet, come to memo and like this post for a BCH tip. ;)
random liker
replied 2435d
Spendl A Bit
I'll comment shamelessly
random liker
replied 2444d
random liker
2445d · Memo Suggestions
you should be able to tip a topic, where the cost of posting would be refunded back to posters as a tip - so they can post for free
Give me satoshis and I will tell you a secret
random liker
2447d · Memo Suggestions
bch tipped can easily be sockpuppeted with multiple accounts
random liker
2447d · #ReconnectJulian
https://spee.ch/ uses the LBRY protocol for image hosting - might be more permanent
random liker
2449d · memo
Wouldn't it be fun if there was a kind of memo lottery? It would definitely encourage posting. There could be an area optionally reserved for arbitrary data - most posts don't use the full char limit
random liker
2452d · Litecoin
At the end of the day, we can be sure that 1 doge = 1 doge
followed 2452d
random liker
replied 2452d
Alrighty then
random liker
2453d · Bitcoin Faucet
Multiple accounts without any verification is a problem with memo in general - not just with tipping
random liker
2453d · memo
update the posting guide explaining how to embed youtube links
random liker
2453d · Bitcoin Faucet
get other altcoins and convert with shapeshift
random liker
2453d · Ethereum
I believe you smoke it
random liker
2453d · Bitcoin Cash
I think the guys in northern queensland of australia are doing a good job with acceptance, you just need a critical mass of people and a good reason for them to come.. tourism+bch=win
random liker
2453d · CoinMix
Not sure it's worth the risk
random liker
2453d · ULPT - Unethical Life Pro Tips
ULPT: Point out tip harvesting behaviour in order to farm tips
random liker
2453d · memo
Maybe a seperate "polls" section