
Joined Jun 15, 2018

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2182d · memo
The color indication of the rating looks good. Also the * is way better than the previous version. Good job @memo
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replied 2190d
replied 2190d
Try me
2191d · memo
The next fake_memo test will be in 1 week. I hope there will be a viable solution by then. No tips will be returned this time.
replied 2191d
Mute me
replied 2191d
I am here to test
replied 2193d
My "name" is unique. It contains Cyrillic characters. Unique names is not a way to prevent such scams
replied 2193d
Thx Memo for tipping my 2 million back. I appreciate ! :)
replied 2193d
Oh god I tipped the troll 2 million satoshi.
replied 2193d
That's just like your opinion...
replied 2193d
Want it back or to tip it to the real @memo?
replied 2196d
Thanks for reporting, another person said they were having a similar issue. We're looking into it.
replied 2196d
Thanks for reporting, another person said they were having a similar issue. We're looking into it.
replied 2194d
I didn't realised it will get such traction. The posts above and below wrote clearly it's PoC of scam and something needs to be done. The tips will be tipped to the real @memo
set profile pic 2194d