
Joined May 06, 2018

Developer of https://bitcoinsubway.cash

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unfollowed 2298d
BTC has worked though their backlog today... but the median tx fee is still 250x higher than on BCH! check out the lonely BCH platform on https://bitcoinsubway.cash
voted Reddit style comments (tree-like) 2305d
created poll 2306d
If Memo.cash had to support ONLY ONE way of handling discussion and drop the others, which one would you prefer?
Reddit style comments (tree-like) 10 votes · 555 satoshis
IRC style chat rooms (essentially the "Topics" that we have now but without the ability to reply to a post in a topic directly, instead you'd reply inside the topic with a new msg) 1 votes · 0 satoshis
Forum posts and replies (like phpBB but with the ability to easily add references to past posts instead of quoting text) 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Twitter posts and replies (without the "Topics" that are currently also supported) 3 votes · 0 satoshis


the BCH node behind https://bitcoinsubway.cash is connected to more peers this time around, showing 72k tx in the mempool and waiting for a big block 👍
Small BTC backlog this morning, and some BCH stress testing going on as well. See it on the updated https://bitcoinsubway.cash now with block and mempool sizes shown in MB.
Just saw hundreds if not thousands of BTC tx with fees of ~45 sat/byte for a total of $6.42 per tx on https://bitcoin subway.cash ... yikes. Many ended up in BTC block 542387.
another try at embedded gifv: BCH block clearing ~9k tx from the mempool, BTC clearing ~1400:
bitcoinsubway .cash: 11k tx in a BCH block vs 900 tx in a BTC block, just getting warmed up for tomorrow! https://imgur.com/a/EZJecjh
replied 2393d
2395d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
again seeing BCH blocks that leave thousands of tx in the mempool
2395d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
good size stress test happening now! see it on https://bitcoinsubway.cash
2420d · Bitcoin Cash
There is a whole world out there that has never seen Bitcoin work, all you gotta do is show them how to use Bitcoin as cash and you don't have to burden then with any knowledge about Core
followed topic stresstestbitcoin.cash 2421d
2424d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
stresstest shows that some nodes are still capped at 8MB and others at 2MB.
2424d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
BCH block 541532 had 32k tx! the platform cleared beautifully on https://bitcoinsubway.cash 😎 https://imgur.com/a/ys6OV9l
2424d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
@harvey, do you mean like this?
2424d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
nice shot! yeah when you change the “displayed passengers” settings you get a URL like https://bitcoinsubway.cash/?passenger-limit=2500
2424d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
if you’re viewing today’s stress test activities on bitcoinsubway.cash, go into the settings to ensure you’re displaying as many passengers as your machine can handle!
2427d · memo
Feels like Memo should have post previews seeing as things are permanent. Easy to mess up embedded stuff.
A few small changes are live at https://bitcoinsubway.cash
- color tweaks to differentiate the BCH platform from the BTC platform
- fixed sounds in iOS browsers
- force https
2464d · Goodbye Twitter
Memo should make their own faucet completely funded by the users. I don't having a problem throwing down 1+ mil sat helping new users start with Memo.
followed 2464d
replied 2465d
Roger Ver
Fake Account. Can tell because I was already following original & this one is not being followed.

Real account is here: https://bit.ly/2tsHbKy
2464d · stresstestbitcoin.cash