
Joined Jun 15, 2018


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2436d · solitude-betroom
well now you know for the future and maybe you can take into account the handicaps for the next matches.
2436d · solitude-betroom
the handicaps are right there beside all the countries
2436d · solitude-betroom
no, if you bet Brazil you lost, they had to win by 2.
2436d · solitude-betroom
what are u missing? brazil has to win by 2 goals to win the bet, the line says +1.5 goals
2436d · solitude-betroom
will be 6-1 if the swiss cheese don't lose by 2, not sure how to bet for tmrw, what do you like?
2436d · solitude-betroom
GOAL SWISS! brazil has to win by 2 for brazil to win the bet
2436d · solitude-betroom
some tough games tmrw, not sure what to bet yet, must do some more research
2436d · solitude-betroom
I knew both the germany and brazil games were going to be traps. I am rooting for Germany but I bet Mexico in this game.
2437d · memo
I just saw someone else had this issue and he said he was using commas in the number amount when you vote. worth a try.
2437d · memo
I am using Chrome. are you using commas? try without them.
2437d · memo
I haven't had that issue yet, maybe try another browser?
2437d · BCH Speculation
in crypto we are essentially turning energy into something of value, if the cost to create the coins is more than the market price of the coins then we are in crisis mode.
2437d · BCH Speculation
@79b79aa8 its based off the cost of electricity to create one coin, looks like bch is more around $420 https://www.trinsicoin.com/
2437d · solitude-betroom
the danish goalkeeper won that game
2437d · solitude-betroom
germany and brazil both have to score +2 tmrw to win could be some traps there
2437d · solitude-betroom
The Danes!
2437d · BCH Speculation
crisis point would be if the coins cost less then they do to produce which is around $450
sup memo?