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saved 1502d
My hospital waiting room has the tv shut off and taped off. And half the chairs are taped off. Everything is silent and you can hear everybodys medical info. Definitely hippa safe.
saved 1503d
I've seen sheep run full speed straight into fences.. that thought just makes me laugh 😆
saved 1505d
saved 1505d
White tail deer shed their velvet and in the process look like zombie deer. Its really cool https://www.outdoorlife.com/amazing-photos-buck-shedding-velvet/
saved 1505d
I've never seen you show love. Can you provide proof?
saved 1506d
Thats a weird way to water the flowers on your mother's grave, but whatever works for you man. You might be less angry if you used a watering can.
saved 1506d
I'm not a liberal either. I just don't like you.
saved 1506d
Go read your own posts. Read them for comprehension, you are a racist. Thats my proof.
saved 1506d
Oh I'm lying because you don't have an actual rebuttal?
saved 1506d
Nice cumback, go lick it off your face.

I'm not a trump supporter, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
saved 1506d
@14519 you are seriously the only racist I have seen on this site. You are the only person to ever bring up race. You tell people other people dont or wont like them because of their race.. you are my first mute when that feature rolls out.
saved 1506d
Tobacco plants grow really pretty flowers too.
saved 1511d
Aliens 👽 👽 👽
saved 1511d
Melatonin tablets or try looking up sleep music on youtube.
saved 1512d
Women are powerful, but todays society is teaching us to use that power to destroy manly men. Convincing us that men are somehow supressing us. But I can tell you, I have only ever experienced true misogyny from other women.
saved 1515d
The week I got it removed, i lost 10 pounds. I havent had a migraine since. Where I could feel it the doctor convinced me was scar tissue. But i no longer feel it. And i literally said "i feel like in in control of my own emotions"
saved 1515d
Isn't every interaction on here a voluntary contribution? .... or are you in danger?
saved 1515d
A week after Amelia was born c-section so i was resting, it was Halloween. She refused to breasfeed and so I was pumping then giving it to her in a bottle. There were trick or treaters coming to the door.. I feel like I already experienced this. 😆
saved 1515d
How many soldiers? I knew you were starting a cult. 😂

It's fake. The tattoos are also fake. I wanted to try them before making them permanent. There's no nose ring in my future.
saved 1515d
Thank you.. you think I'm white?
saved 1526d
Raccoons ate the unicorns on Noah's ark.

Noah forgot thier meat and fed them berries instead. Hungry, they gave jewelry to the vanity loving unicorns, gained their trust, killed and ate them.

So God destined raccoons to spend life scavenging for food.
saved 1549d
I'm thankful for being woken up, way too early, by my 3 year old wanting morning time cuddles.
saved 1552d
@6429 I know it costs a lot there but in return you also get a lot. You can now buy bread, juice and eggs, all from a single post. That same money couldn't even buy eggs in California. You actually could have greater opportunities because of twetch.
saved 1553d
saved 1557d
Sometimes you have to stop and dance in the rain.