I know what you're saying. But if its a brand new post you gotta wait to be sure. Or if you're in conversation and the other person is replying more than once, ive jumped off it thinking it went through and it didn't.
Are you eating any snacks? Small frequent meals help control appetite, blood sugar levels, and speeds up the metabolism. A really good quick protein snack is hard boiled eggs, if you store them with spinach leaves it avoids them getting watery and gross.
Relayx is way faster. It will process it and move on, sometimes the twetch notification seems delayed when using it. Moneybutton will tell you its still processing and twetch will notifiy you that you already commented while your still waiting.
If we are so sure there was no mass fraud, why not do an investigation? I mean we really dont audit elections. And when they do its usually only a precinct or two. And in California if a discrepancy is discovered its only reported, no votes are recounted.
Only about 5-10% of rape cases ever make it to court. Women often back out due to being traumatized and fear of repercussions. Rape cases are generally hard to prove and a lot of women dont want to go through it. Its like reliving over and over.
If you google "shoe on head" millions of pictures of shoes on heads pop up, it wouldnt be hard to still create a fake account pretending being someone else.
The only requirement to vote is to be a citizen and register. Men can vote without having a job. I do not see how because we vote we have to work outside the home. I do not see that correlation.
Its the middle of the night, I should be sleeping. Instead I colored a picture of a carrot I dont even understand. Also the picture was too big for the app i used so the edges are a little cut off, sorry.
What freedom/power/control did we give up for the right to vote? Nobody was taxed before entering the workforce. And women did work/save money before marriage for the marriage. I get the manipulation thing but that happens regardless of the right to vote.
Widowers and spinsters were required to pay taxes on both income and property but had no say in what happened to that money. How is that not more enslaving than having the right to vote?
Honeybees that we see (drone bees) are male though, queen and worker bees are female. And in the world we currently live in its rude to assume somebody's gender, theres nothing on you're profile thats screams "im a woman" im sure he was just staying safe.
I was the same way, addicted to chips, soda and red bull. But limiting diets such as keto just set me up for failure because of their exclusionary design. Its easier to be able to eat what i want, how i want. Everything is fine in moderation.
Im not saying keto doesn't work, both my parents lost a ton of weight on it. But if you like bread and potatoes its not going to work in the long run. Its best to make a lifestyle change verses following a diet with restrictions, it leads to binge eating.
Baby app: "by seven weeks your uterus has grown to the size of a small fist, but your stomach probably doesn't look any different" Me: *laughs at 5 feet*
Also take measurements of your body, or take pictures because as you lose weight you will gain muscle, muscle weighs more than fat so its going to make the scale go up, so you need a way to track "non scale victories" to help keep you on track.
You should be drinking enough water that your urine is clear. Theres a way you can figure it out by your weight. But start with a half gallon/2 liters a day. Its going to be hard to get it all down at first. Set a reminder on your phone every 2 hours drink