
Joined Jul 03, 2019

If I forget to think for myself, remind me. If I ask a question you think is stupid, remember I'm not you.

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followed 1683d
replied 1684d
How old are you btw?
followed 1684d
replied 1684d
What is your definition of a friend. I'll most likely be a friend to you...;)
replied 1685d
A really crappy one.... Acer unfortunately didn't have much of a choice at the time
replied 1685d
Squirrel found a VERY big nut!
replied 1685d
Morning ;) Think it's going to be a great day !
replied 1685d
replied 1685d
Thanks man. Would be sweet to find my place in bch community so I don't have to use my body to feed myself. Not ashamed- jst don't like it.
replied 1685d
I fucking LOVE this video ! Awesome token too....;)
followed 1685d
sent · 1,593 sats 1685d
Where do you live? We could do webcam together maybe? Girl on girl stuff is good $$- and fun.... ;)
followed 1685d