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saved 1257d
I cant wait to fake my first vaccine card
saved 1258d
saved 1258d
Are you fuckin kidding me
saved 1259d
All marxists seem to have a distorted measurement of what success is. Which is why this argument will never go anywhere. You value govt efficiency and superiority. Capitalism values empowerment of citizens and liberty
saved 1259d
Capitalism hasn't “failed it has created a society of unprecedented empowerment of normal average citizens. So muchso thatsocialists can change it from within without violence. Socialism is a disease that has been able to creep in due to capitalisms succes
saved 1261d
saved 1261d
Please god let this be real
saved 1261d
It doesn’t matter if they paid it back or not. The issue is that you are prioritizing govt efficiency over the will of the people. Having zero homeless people doesnt matter if your people can’t pursue a passion and express an opinion or be contrarian
saved 1261d
The mental gymnastics people go through to sympathize with communism is beyond insane at this point. They’re basically saying 2+2=10
saved 1261d
Govt being able to mandate without consent or care for the opinion of the people is a huge competitive advantage, we're seeing it in china. So if all you give a shit about is wars and death, then yes state run is amazing. if you care of about empowerment
saved 1261d
you're seriously attributing that rapid change to the miracle of socialism? Maybe its because they went from having completely inept warring govt factions to a military dictatorship led by extremely competitive and ruthless men. Just a hunch.
saved 1261d
Guys I swear its gonna work this time! It just hasn't been done the right way!
saved 1261d
Can anyone link to a good explanation of how something like this “runs on blockchain” i still don’t really understand how this all works
saved 1263d
“White supremacy” is a moronic buzzword. If there are any of them left they were zapped of all societal influence decades ago and pose ZERO threat to society. The real threat is all coming from leftists who openly desriminate against white/asian/jewish ppl
saved 1263d
saved 1263d
So how is this different from mastodon?