Jihan Wu, one of the most important people in crypto, tweeted memo.cash FTW
Jihan Wu, one of the most important people in crypto, tweeted memo.cash FTW
So, every time you post here, it makes a tx on the BCH blockchain?
Lost network conn and txns for a few hours. Just reset everything. Sorry
Once the Memo.cash UI gets all purdy, this place will change the game!!!
Hi everyone, I'm Luke_Jr and I like eating boogers.
Just reached 2,500 on-chain Memo transactions. Awesome to see!
Trying out Memo.cash. Bitcoin is p2p electronic cash for the world.
Does Bitcoin Core suffer from megalophobia, the fear of large objects?
Hi everyone, I'm Luke_Jr and I like eating boogers.
Hello world! Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.
Trying out Memo.cash. Bitcoin is p2p electronic cash for the world.