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saved 1431d
Maybe! Hard to bring stuff back from those realms. Consciousness is a funny thing.
saved 1431d
Having been blessed with a few death test runs, I feel at least a little qualified to comment on the subject and offer my opinion on hungry ghosts and the intended effect of the bardo thödol.
saved 1431d
I think that although the Bardo thödol is read to the recently deceased to ease the consciousness passing into a good birth, that it’s also effective in reminding the living how to approach their remaining years at a time when they are most perceptive.
saved 1431d
I think about the hungry ghost concept from time to time. One of the levels of death in the book of living and dying is the realm of the hungry ghosts. I think it’s a good way to remember not to let these thoughts overcome us.
saved 1431d
I like your cut G
saved 1431d
saved 1432d
saved 1432d
When twetch SG1 viewing party?
saved 1432d
We can all be served well by engaging in, even a little, mycology.
saved 1432d
lol @ “the cat is grow”
saved 1432d
saved 1432d
Consider offline life. There is nothing stopping me from calling us friends. Your feelings on the matter, while not irrelevant, certainly don’t have to influence my descriptor. No need to “request” to be friends.
saved 1432d
I do see where you’re coming from and I had thought about that earlier (after posting). I still like Friend or Fren better, but how about view, watch, or something like “add”.

I am mainly on a quest today to explore whether or not “follow” is a good idea.
saved 1432d
Reproduction is a little stranger than cats. I do not recommend reading about tardigrade reproduction. 😆
saved 1432d
Yeah I remember the threads on uranium and how you can basically buy some from Amazon. I’m guessing the cheese industry is very sensitive about where their products go. I know there are cheese banks, so why the heck not I guess!
saved 1432d
I haven’t even considered whether or not tardigrades are mammals. Amazing.
saved 1432d
I go where the 🌊 takes me! 😆
saved 1432d
Can’t imagine the hoops you have to jump through for all of your various projects and interests.
saved 1432d
Oh really? That is very interesting. Am guessing there are quite a few different agencies interested in such a life form. Keeping tabs on those with access. “They” probably get a lot of their ideas from keeping track of what others are doing.
saved 1432d
Code all of your civilizations data into DNA, put it inside a super strong container ( Deinococcus radiodurans), aim rocket at other planet with better orbit, wait 1,002,000 years. Voila you get an Evan.
saved 1432d
Too cool!
Makes me think about the cia remote viewing studies where they viewed Mars in like 1,000,000BC and the martians were having a planet wide catastrophe or something.
saved 1432d
Look at me. Already living in the future. 😅
saved 1432d
Oh! I will also pay you to tell me why you voted a certain way if you want to say. Definitely not required.
saved 1432d
saved 1432d