Lol we can like as many times as we want. Add long as we pay. 😂😛🤑
Do research into the exact image to show.
I’ll make a mock-up and post an image soon!
I was thinking of memo having a design like yellow sticky notes. Thoughts?
I was thinking of memo having a design like yellow sticky notes. Thoughts?
Do research into the exact image to show.
/r/btc should definitely have in its sidebar! :)
Is there a way to help design the front end?
I can’t wait for image support for timeless memery.
Agree.I'd love to touch up the CSS too!
How do we compile this?
Soon, I will be able to shitpost about animu through memo!
I know Memo is brand new but a few changes to the CSS & it looks much nicer
Agree.I'd love to touch up the CSS too!
Wow. This is a really cool way to use blockchain tech. Very happy w/ BCH!