Blancomorao 🇻🇪

Joined May 20, 2018

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Blancomorao 🇻🇪
A.B.C. IPHOLDINGS SOUTH WEST LLC, Reino Unido, obtuvo en Diciembre de 2017 el registro de los derechos sobre: BITCOIN 🤦🏻‍ en las Clases 25 y 32 #marca #bitcoin #uk #reinounido
followed 2481d
followed 2481d
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
replied 2481d
Sure I will posting some images. Regards.
replied 2482d
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
No, I am not there. What you are doing is promising. Could you share the progress of BCH adoption in Venezuela? Thank you!
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
voted in poll 2484d

Bitcoin is

Electonic Cash

Better Electronic Cash
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Mining Centralization Distribution. Just 34.2% of mining centralization 👏🏽
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
Bitcoin Core (BTC) Mining Centralization Rate 63.4% hashing power. 👎🏽
replied 2484d
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
Wow I didn't know Salty George's Bitfury took such a big drop. Lmao
replied 2484d
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
Wow I didn't know Salty George's Bitfury took such a big drop. Lmao
set name to Blancomorao 🇻🇪 2484d
followed 2484d
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
replied 2484d
Sorry for messing around, I just did and figured it out. Thank you.
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
replied 2484d
Working on It with help of the Bitcoin Cash Fund
replied 2484d
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
Check out our new guide for how to post images -
2484d · Bitcoin Cash Venezuela
not in Venezuela but hope bch is helping there! 💸
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
2484d · Bitcoin Cash Venezuela
Hablemos sobre Bitcoin Cash y la adopción en Venezuela
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
2484d · Airdrop to Venezuela in replace of bolivar
Kevin are you in Venezuela? I'm working to promote BCH in Venezuela.
Blancomorao 🇻🇪
2484d · Bitcoin Cash is NOT Bitcoin
Just wanted to share this here: