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saved 1228d
saved 1233d
Holy shit, this is so fucking good 🤣
saved 1249d
Hitler would agree.
saved 1254d
Are these Gandalf and Frodo ?
saved 1261d
guess what: they already attacked BSV last year with a delisting campaign, attack CSW for years until this day. You say you should just cover and hope for the best. thats a cowards advice.
Its time to make a stand. today. not tomorrow.
saved 1262d
Thats honestly a horrible attempt of an excuse.
Moneybutton is still a super small company and in no way relevant in the big scheme of things.
Nobody asked them to act. Its just anticipatory obedience.
Also: when to stand up for freedom if not now?
saved 1262d
saved 1263d
I neither speak for River. Actually we have quite some differences.
Nor do I intend to attack you.
I merely state my point of view of events.
Btw: of course MB can do what they did.
And customers can give them the middle finger for it.
saved 1263d
from a person (in this case not even sentenced yet) seems to be ok.
No matter the crime, people always used to keep their rights in a free and open society. regardless the punishment.
Pretty disturbing how drastically that has changed.
saved 1263d
When I was a kid, a person who committed a crime was sentenced in a court, (maybe) went to jail, and when he got out, he still got a bank account. Because one has nothing to do with the other.
These days, everyone thinks, that taking away EVERYTHING ...
saved 1263d
If he is always quick with the ban hammer and also ignorant to whats going on politically, I would not consider such a person "good".