Jane Austen

Joined May 07, 2018

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Jane Austen
2121d · Short story
in time to arrive where he was waiting. Some kind of surprise, he took her hand and led her through the streets. Noises mixed together, passersby passing by.
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story
He had some thick papers in his hand to do some drawings, origami and stuff.
Fair enough.

Crossing the park, at eight fifty was just
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story
interrupting studies and sneaking at not the best moments, made her happy.
She really couldn't imagine her life without him.
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story
So, no room cleaning this time.
Her little brother pecked on the door, looking for something. His small and lively animal spirit always wanting to know what was happening,
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story
"In order to organize the room, one first has to attain a clear mind."
at least these were the teachings of the spiritual leader and yoga teacher, friend of a friend.
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story
The place was a mess. Not chaotic but definitely not comfortable as she'd like or expect.
Until nine there was some time to kill, but she couldn't find how.
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story
She rambled around the room, rambled and rambled looking at clothes and objects lying here and there, on the floor on the couch, on the table, under the table.
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story - Compass
I was as ready as I would be, to change my world, go swim at the lakes, and maybe, who knows, come back from the other side. From the West a few years later.
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story - Compass
Tuna was going with me, I had a tent, 2 grand in my pocket, one litter of water and a compass. Plus the rest and my notebook it would not total for more than 8 pounds at my back.
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story - Compass
The train was leaving tomorrow.
I felt with no energy, but I knew it was what I ought to do,
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story - Compass
Even the few cars that arrived at the village. They were followed by a twist of head from Tuna and immediately return to rest, with his head between his paws.
I looked at the time.
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story - Compass
The owner of the bar a friend of mine, began to call him that two weeks after the beginning of summer.
It was hot as hell. And everything seemed to move slower.
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story - Compass
As far as I knew Tuna, named for no special reason other than preferring that fish over anything else, didn't belong to anyone.
Jane Austen
2121d · Short story - Compass
The dog seemed like always smiling.
It was rather curious, no one knew exactly why. The dog appeared many times by the door of the bar for food and company.
Jane Austen
2500d · Community Kitchen
didn't want it to be affiliated with the state.
Jane Austen
2500d · Community Kitchen
Have no idea how. nor who to talk to.
It's hot & lovely outside today in the UK, hope y'all having a great day! <3
Jane Austen
2500d · Community Kitchen
Why are community kitchens not part of modern society?
set name to Jane Austen 2500d