Metal Mike

Joined Mar 22, 2019

Build the Metanet, they will come.
I heard it in field of dreams.
It's happening.

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replied 2165d
I figured it out lol had to use the app *shrug* thanks for the replies though brotha.
set profile pic 2165d
replied 2165d
Hey Vincent, can ya help me out with getting the right link from my imgur post i shared so I can set a profile pic? Cant seem to get it *shrug*. Will tip 💪
Having issues getting profile pic set. Can anyone go to the imgur link I posted and get me the right link needed?

Tips for your efforts if it works ;)
set name to Metal Mike 2165d
set profile 2165d
Build the Metanet, they will come.
I heard it in field of dreams.
It's happening.
set name to 2165d