BitcoinSV nodes are increasing rapidly up to 49 nodes today. For CSW haters, can you explain this to me? I have visited and read the entire site and found all arguments very respectable.
The SV hate seems to be stronger on r/btc than here on Memo. And I agree, I favor Bitcoin SV in the coming hash war.
Thank you @qp3az3gmulsx7a3gkk9qzas7zqw8mrkjryrw87kjlh for your tip of 1,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.58518904 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @qphng70euda7c3vpsf5w40yyz2ddrvkzpq5deur2sw for your tip of 5,000,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.58498695 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
Thank you @qphng70euda7c3vpsf5w40yyz2ddrvkzpq5deur2sw for your tip of 50,000 satoshis. The balance now is 0.52351145 BCH. We are collecting funds for the next stress day!
I just made some coffee and put the sugar in the fridge. I realized my mistake, laughed and turned around and put my fresh pot of coffee in the fridge. Lol god dammit, milks still on the counter.