Any ETA on when we will be able to hide / mute users and topics. The spam of some individuals is making it hard to follow discussions or have any at all in certain topics...
And so we need to move forward, until there is enough distance and their lies can no longer be heard.Those who are in to the movement know exactly what I am talking about.
CTOR - I don't care that much but given that there are no clear performance benefits at least not right now and not for a very long time to come... I think ABC should back off.
Just realized that Memo is no different from BCH. It's meant to be used. The more we use it, the more it will grow. Kudos to those who built it and those who helped keep it alive.
I want to see how many people currently use Memo on a day to day basis. Stats page only shows total users. So with that in mind, how often do you visit Memo?
Had a conversation at my local family-owned hardware shop about the fees he pays to Visa for bank card payments and how much he hates them, so I suggested he should look into accepting Bitcoin Cash, I hope he does.
Free trade is free movement of goods between nations. It lowers prices for consumers, which makes it a great thing. He attacks Harley Davidson, and Google. He will likely attack Ford.
As for his "attacking" companies, he's only doing exactly what he said he'd do on the campaign trail. He said he'd use the bully pulpit of the presidency to keep jobs in the US.