SV is the Bitcoin. ABC can hate CSW as much as they want, it will not change that fact. Some ppl are blinded with hate. Look for valid arguments in favor of both sides.
BSV won't survive. It's an attack coin, a killer chain. It was created to conquer an existing coin and as such didn't have any support from any legit exchange.
BSV will thrive. It is the closest to the original Satoshi vision. It was created to defend against contentious protocol changes that will prevent massive adoption.
Does SV shills have anything constructive to offer? Just a tad bit?
Shill implies i'm being paid. I am not. I give money away. I simply support the white paper which Bitcoin ABC (a blockstream company) is again trying to subvert.
@esthon, for your tip of 15000 satoshis, I will send 48 txs with the message: no msg... You can watch here in the run: R2967.
Sick of hearing nothing but BCH fork hash wars drama. Can’t wait for all this to be over so we can get back to focusing on what’s really important. Adoption/Development/Innovation Peer to Peer Cash for the world!