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Are you guys working on notifications? That is the last thing missing.
I'm working in a Linux memo notifier
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maybe no
please someone like this post, for testing porpuses
Please someone invite Mike Hearn to memo
Roger did a lot of work to help bitcoin
please someone like this post, for testing porpuses
for testing porpuses, please someone like, and reply here
I think that you will agree we are living in the most interesting times.
we maybe, our childrens ??
Segwit is not bitcoin
Tried to send some 6$ in BTC left on CB to bitpay. 35 confs later still nada
next time you know "Bitcoin Cash"
Morons have to use BCH to troll, love it.
john you ??
1 + 1 = 11 or 2 ?
We do not stop playing because we grow old we grow old because w stop playing
Did anyone else have problems accessing Memo not some few moments ago BCH's?
Me for some seconds
Happy 200th birthday to one of the most correct and influentual people
Brilliant mind
The new OP_RETURN will allow for 220 arbitrary bytes per transaction.
please someone, follow me, reply, and like im testing a notification app
Guys please reply like
Shop owners in 2028: We accept CASH only, BCH!
early than 28
I want a notification app, too.
im working on it
please someone, follow me, reply, and like im testing a notification app