Net neutrality is deceptive branding, like calling socialism income equality
0.2 Free BCH for 5 lucky people who Like and reply! 1 BCH total giveaway 😄
Love me some me! And McDonalds..and BCH
I eat my Quarter Pounder with a fork.
$ pip install bchmemo
good job :)
I'm not quite apt enough to get it :P
Greetings Memoites? Memoers? Memists? What are we called?
How much is your fiat worth?
mute function just would work in web front, but not on blockchain i guess
To speak or not to speak freely is what it means to be human.
eating Taco bell for my 4th meal for the day.I love authentic Mexican food
Running the new Bitcoin Unlimited Cash Node! to make an uncensorable Twitter.
Maybe the best way to bring economic freedom to the world...
Memo names aren't unique. Verify who you follow. Reputation system planned.
Could this Universe be running on a blockchain with a 10 minute clock tick?
When will Memo support emoji? 🤓
Showed off to a full house in Beijing last night.
Showing unconfirmed new posts now. Still some edge cases with 0-conf though
Suggestion: Auto-Password option for people who are lazy. (like me)