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saved 899d
better hurry cause when my wallet hits zero I'm turning this shit off.
saved 899d
Leaving twetch and bsv, it's dead. Half the shit barely even functions, try to use apps and 50% of the time the shit is broken. It's over kids, BSV lost, and it's 100% Craig Liar Wrights fault.
saved 900d
BSV is dead. BTC layer 2 wins according to Elon Musk.

Too bad Craig Liar Wright won't dump the satoshi coins to set the record straight. Oh well, BSV is dead and CSW killed it.
saved 900d
elon is a cylon
saved 900d
Every cpu on earth has a RING 0 exploit. A hardware level back door.

The coming globaal cyber attack will take down all cpu's attached to the network.

You can thank the Mossad when it happens.
saved 901d
The public has become profane and disgusting, completely ignorant and devoid of any common sense. Driven by greed, sin and lust their depravity is bottomless and repulsive to anyone with a shred of decency or morals.

Mammon is their god now
saved 903d
this just sent me down a utube rabbit hole of corey feldman videos.

What tha fuk happened to this guy?

He has to be clinically insane right?

Is this fucking weirdo on the loose?

Its the creepiest shit I've ever seen, n I been online since the 90's
saved 906d
Revelations 6 KJV
The first seal, Corona(crown), was 2 years long, Ukraine is the second seal, Cyber Attack and blackouts will be the third seal.

2020-2030 all seals to be opened.

Mark of the Beast is 666, Carbon atom, Graphene Oxide, WEF

Vaccine = 666
saved 907d
I still think women shouldn't vote... but, I'm not a biologist.
saved 907d
BSV proves GOD exists and has one helluva sense of humor.

A honest cash system was designed by a dishonest pathological liar.
saved 908d
Craig can fuck right off

Craig is liable as the primary benefactor of all crimes done on the BTC network. He gains the most, benefits the most, enables it the most, could prevent it with segwit flaws or dumping the btc.

Craig Wright is a dishonest POS
saved 909d
Users under 1000 are at the center of the earth forming an infinitely dense inescapable small world network.

Their sacrifice will be remembered.

Only 1000 and above users can walk the surface of the earth with massive yet proportional genitals.
saved 909d
Despite my rough exterior, my insides are still gooey.

With that, I give my deepest condolences and sympathies to those parents that have lost a son or daughter.

There is no greater pain, no greater loss a hooman can experience.

I'm truly sorry fren😭
saved 910d
Bart Sibrel interview, moon landings proved to be 100% fake.

Baby Boomers are literally brainwashed mind controlled slaves to the New World Order.... but they think they are free.

saved 910d
Canadians are the most fluoridated brain dead zombified snowflakes on earth.

They will do nothing, cause they are chemically lobotomized mind controlled debt slaves that think they are free...

U can not get more ignorant than a Canadian Citizen.
saved 910d
After auditing the block chain it appears that twetch is stealing satoshis from users by redirecting payments to them rather than the intended individual.

They notify of the payment but never actually relay it.

Ryan X Charles was right about Twetch
saved 910d
Hey @1 @2 @ 3 @4 @5 or whoever is running this shit

Where are all my sats going? Not getting any sats from any likes, branches or follows.

Just had 2 follows and 3 likes with not a single satoshi going to my wallet.

My wallet is nearly empty... wtf?
saved 910d
The Green Booth... kinda like a phone booth

Except it's a suicide booth where you pay me $100 for disposal and you can walk into this box that kills you instantly and drops you're corpse down a chute.

Patent pending Copyrighted 2022 All Rights Reserved
saved 910d
The jab destroyed their immune system, now they have AIDS.

Anything could kill them, especially bacterial pneumonia.

They been preparing for decades to cull the herd.
saved 910d
Ask any Canadian Citizen what the difference is between a democracy and a republic... all you'll get is the fluoride stare.
saved 910d
By voluntarily consuming that alcohol you are effectively paying for you're own self destruction, it causes sickness and disease, dehydrates the body while adding fat. Kills brain cells, etc

Good health = SIGNAL and TOXICITY

Have a good trip😁
saved 911d
A human being is a cell in a super organism called Humanity.

Humanity has AIDS.
saved 911d
Twetch is a scam!

Had over 50 interactions in the last week, my wallet NEVER GOES UP. NOT EVEN A SINGLE SATOSHI

I have been screen shotting my wallet after posts, then compare after 20+ notifications, SAME EXACT AMOUNT

saved 911d
hey ah, just so you know, I figured out craig was satoshi during the BCH fork.

What pisses me off is he is allowing the public to think btc is bitcoin when all he has to do is dump all his btc and bch...

That's the signal the public needs to see.
saved 911d