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saved 1251d
ya, who cares about you... wasn't talking only about you, EVERYONE ON BINANCE is on a list.

No one cares about you children with 30 bucks, but you will be looked into to verify that you do not lie on a legal documents, like tax returns.

That's the crime.
saved 1251d
Found some more FUD 4 ya, 10 years he got away with it... gee, I wonder what else is happening now that in 10 years people will be arrested for.🤔 as I said, you'll all be on a list.

saved 1251d
yes... uber mad. You guys are like priests, pretend to be on the side of good while fucking everyone from behind.

It's not fun staying poooooooor!!!😭

I think 2025 is gonna be a fun year, Crypto should be dead by then. Craig will be known as Satoshi...
saved 1251d
Ya know whats fucking crazy...lighters!

Think about this, they regulate guns cause bad right...

Yet anyone can buy a lighter for $2 bucks, and could in theory burn down entire neighborhoods, forests, pillow factories, etc...

Ban the lighter quick! 😲
saved 1251d
saved 1251d
They want to toll me so badly... I can tell, but they can't cause they know it confirms that they are snowflakes...

Thus I've discovered the key to trolling whilst being immune from tolls.

Like a rock and a hard place... they have no choice but to battle
saved 1251d
need a safe space yet?
saved 1251d
dosen't matter... just keep talking👍😁
saved 1251d
or it's on purpose to trigger morons into commenting thereby making me more profits.... but youuuurrre too simple to understand sum shit like that.
saved 1251d
More 70 IQ level comments... very impressed!
saved 1251d
toll me already ya fucking snowflake cunt🤣🤣😂
saved 1251d
wat? the government loves us and only tries to help, the vaxx will save us, science will save us, all you must do is mask up, stay socially distant and comply with lockdowns... then we'll go back to normal.

Everything is fine😵
saved 1251d
Hi retard
saved 1251d
Go to a shitcoin then... quit fucking whining about fiat gains... nobody wants to read you're pathetic bullshit.

You made the choice, fucking deal with it and stfu.

You sound like a whiny bitch...waah, coulda woulda...ya fucking didn't.
saved 1251d
you guys: But mom all my friends are doing it, why am I grounded.

LAWR: If they jumped off a cliff would you do that too?

you guys: BUUUT MAAAAMM!!!

Next time you'll think about you're actions.
saved 1251d
go to china...it's real there, lmao. what's it like being retarded?
saved 1251d
The childishness on display is predictable. I guess we should all just take the law into our own hands then right.

Just because crimes go on for a long time doesn't mean there not held to account.

U know how many had liberty reserve too? lol u r punks😂
saved 1251d
My point being, that by having an account on binance, you are now suspect with all the other suspected criminal accounts.
Plus I think it's immoral to help binance wash funds by giving them clean money to mix with illicit proceeds of crime.
saved 1252d
If i knowingly buy stolen goods, i'm breaking the law. Unless I don't know it's stolen.

If you participate in trading on binance, don't people know that binance is the money laundering hub for all the btc scams, child porn funds, etc.
saved 1252d
projection... is that fear i detect? only foaming going on is around you're bum from all the puckering it's doing.
saved 1252d
you on the list... if you don't mind being audited, don't worry about it.

but if you a crypto retard thinking he can enjoy the benefits of dollars without owing taxes...you gonna get wrecked.
saved 1252d
If love got the job done, we'd still be in the garden of eden

Maybe god is trying to teach us something...like that love doesn't get the job done. Prime example, the garden of eden and being banished

What's the lesson? TUFF LOVE WORKS, learn the hard way
saved 1252d
Does he know if god exists? If so does he believe that traders using exchanges like binance are morally and/or legally liable for the blatant money laundering that facilitates criminal networks like child trafficking? What's the excuse for participating?
saved 1252d
The tax department of the Seoul metropolitan government in South Korea has reportedly seized cryptocurrencies worth about $25 million from hundreds of crypto investors with delinquent taxes. From 3 exchanges...hmm binance is looking juicy!
saved 1252d
You're right... nothing ever changes, last year will be next year, nothing to worry about. Keep laundering those funds like a good lil sheep.
