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saved 1024d
White presidents he says:
Trump is a Jew
Obama is a Jew
Bush is a Jew
Clinton might be a jew but Hilary is a Jew for sure
How far back do I need to go?
Roosevelt... a jew too.

You are so fucking dumb it hurts my brain.

saved 1024d
lol, like I owe you something? Do I need to please you?

Are my posts offensive to you?

Maybe cause it's not the whites... IT'S THE JEWS STUPID!

Dgaf if you like it. Go cry it out.
saved 1024d
You never made a single point, just the same tired nonsense argument... it's not all jews, it's not all whites, you have to name them, individually, in detail otherwise feminist commie RAaaCIST!

stfu clown, you are retarded.
saved 1024d
Typical... When did you stop abusing your family?
saved 1024d
that's an assumption, you assume this is what I do or have done. Please provide proof of you're claim.

Also provide proof jews are a race. Since you claimed that they are.
saved 1024d
Pay $5 and I'll answer it. What's the question exactly? Why I don't call out biden or whites when I post a harry vox video about jews?
saved 1024d
The trick does not work on this Gentile.
saved 1024d
you named two jews as examples of whites in a derogatory manner. ("Damn Whites") lol

That's how fucking dumb you are.

Then got the balls to talk about kindergarten analysis

u a clown, be quiet.
saved 1024d
saved 1024d
I posted a harry vox video about jews.... are you retarded or something?

You're just looking for someone to feel superior over by using some pedantic semantics to somehow claim superiority.

You're a mental midget, now fuck off and shut up.
saved 1024d
saved 1024d
shut up dummy, your semantics are worthless.
saved 1024d
It's not a secret, doesn't matter what you believe, and it's not an ad hominem when it's accurate.

You are a dummy. It's demonstrated repeatedly by you're own statements of ignorance.

Silence is your friend, I suggest you use it.
saved 1024d
bill gates is a jew... just shut the fuck up dummy
saved 1024d
I guess whites means all whites, blacks means all blacks, cause jews means all jews everywhere.

Try using you're brain, do all jews run the central banks and hollywood?
Do all jews own Phizer?

Or are there ultra zionist jews and anti zionist jews?
saved 1024d
"Just take you're Jew Jab and Jew Booster you dumb fucks"

Thank God for Harry Vox, a man unafraid of the parasites!

saved 1025d
chain of signatures... that makes it more of a property than a simple token of cash. It functions as a cash system but inherently endows the rights of property via signatures...
saved 1026d
Get this out to everyone!

saved 1028d
Humanity, we have been infected with a parasite. An alien entity has corrupted our Education, Governance, Science, Energy and Health systems.

Realize that literally EVERYTHING you were taught is a lie.

There is free energy and you can heal yourself!
saved 1029d
Must Watch!

Guy destroys every lie in modern physics in 1 hr.
Free energy, clean energy.

The Truth Shall Set Us Free!

saved 1034d
For the Noobs:
Welcome to earth, where a bunch of cunts that got here before you have created a system of enslavement consisting of indoctrination, then subjugation and finally eradication. All designed to extract from you the very essence of life itself.
saved 1050d
Someone somewhere needed to see this...

saved 1052d
Freely associating with known criminals is not a good look, no amount of money is worth selling out you're morals for.

Binance and everyone associated with it should be thoroughly investigated for money laundering and other various criminal activities.
saved 1053d
Can someone relay the message to CSW to include HITBTC and COINSQUARE exchanges to the shit list.

Hitbtc has my money held hostage and Coinsquare de-listed BSV on NOV 1.

It's time to teach these clowns a lesson!
saved 1054d
Harvest time is here, the public has become ripe for the plundering.

The jab is phase 1, the die-off from the jab is phase 2, the Great Reset is phase 3

This is the 6th time humanity has been harvested, and they have become increasingly efficient at it.