I think the biggest problem with price is China was a big player in the last big run up. They pretty much shut that down. So where are new buyers going to come from? Waiting Waiting.
@Gregory Maxwell FYI your message was posted with Bitcoin Cash, and will forever be on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain (due to low tx fees). Let's see that happen with BTC.
Probably been suggested before but: Use bits not satoshis. sats are too small. Long term, bits will be like dollars, sats like cents. Standard should be to denominate everything in bits.
@chalbersma - Hey, I just noticed you tipped me 32,524 satoshis. If that was a mistake, I can send it back. If not, thank you very much. Not sure what I said to deserve that. :-)
I think he did it on purpose because you called a 32kb block a 32mb block (tip is same size as block size).
Why so soon?
What I learned from the stress test is the I am limited by my slowest CPU core (probably lmdb back-end). November may be an aggressive time-table to fix that.
December is also on the poll. I guess I shouldve added a "2019" option.