
Joined Jun 16, 2018

Solopreneur IT Consultant, BCH Enthusiast, Co-Op Supporter, Independent Thinker, Ordained Dudeist Priest

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"Core wastes time on a badly designed 2nd layer, instead of optimizing the bottlenecks on layer 1, because governance is fully centralized into a company that can only profit if layer 1 doesn't work".
2143d ·
Test early, test often, break everything that can break and then fix it
Bezos and Buffet have more money than 50% of the USA populace.
set profile 2144d
Solopreneur IT Consultant, BCH Enthusiast, Co-Op Supporter, Independent Thinker, Ordained Dudeist Priest
replied 2144d
replied 2144d
The Ferengi?
I like the idea of Manna but it can't possibly work with a limited supply of coins unless you have some sort of tax on the super wealthy. Of course you don't see the super wealthy putting money into Manna do you?
2144d · Capitalism
Seriously, who wouldn't want to live in a Star Trek type society? :)
2144d · Capitalism
Either you see BCH as a humanitarian project that helps everyone or you see it as a profit motive. You can't have it both ways. Capitalist HODLing will NOT help Bitcoin help people.
2145d · Favorite Quotes
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. ~African proverb
2145d · Capitalism
I don't want anyone dead. I want people to have better options and make better more informed decisions. Capitalists take away the right and power to make better life choices. To their own doom.
followed 2145d
replied 2145d
I can imagine tipping or donations being useful for LN, although better solutions do exist.
This is awesome that someone is doing research into how BCH can benefit humanity. I donated to help fund it. Great use of Akari-Pages! Go donate now! #BCHforEveryone
replied 2145d
Who's saying anything about forcing? Armed with the knowledge of which foods are healthy, the can choose to eat healthy or not. My problem is with industry propaganda confusing people.
The only difference between a Fascist and a normal Capitalist is that Fascists know their Capitalism is failing and therefore try to use force to keep it going. EG. Trump, he wants to make USA great for him & cronys.
2146d · Favorite Quotes
Three things cannot be long hidden. The sun, the moon, the truth. ~Buddha
replied 2145d
So, by that logic people must be happy being diabetic or have heart disease as well. Because most overweight people have these problems as well.
replied 2145d
Sure Walmart has choices but you can't tell me the Capitalists don't nudge people into making all the wrong choices for their personal gain.
replied 2145d
Using Capital doesn't mean you have to do Capitalism. Capitalists exploit Capital and people for their own gain. Socialists use Capital to benefit all. BCH being cash != Capitalism.
2146d · Capitalism
2146d · Capitalism
He means that Capitalists have stolen and taken control of land and resources. Don't worry though, nobody is going to steal your property. Workers should be controlling the means of production.
replied 2146d
people are buying stuff without HFCS so they are trying to put Natural Sweetener as a code word for it. Yes people can make their own decisions but industry makes it difficult.
replied 2146d
Yes, people can shop at the right grocery stores and read the labels but not everyone has the time or the energy to do that. And the Corn industry is getting wise to the fact that.....