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saved 1352d
For the record:

I've committed no crime.

I've done nothing wrong.

I've not been charged with a crime.

I've not been credibly accused of a crime.

Deplatforming me is a dangerous precedent which risks our fragile civil society.
saved 1352d
Going to be able to prove that MoneyButton lied about everything. This is fraud. They're not protected by their Terms of Service of Section 230 with this.

They colluded with my partisan opponents on a lie not supported by law enforcement or anyone.
saved 1353d
Ali Alexander is going to take MoneyButton on.

[email protected]
saved 1353d
It took me like $250 or $500 to buy the paymail at the time too. That's got to be worth $1000 or more now. I'll probably sue them because they're tiny fish and I'll get them with my friends in government.
saved 1353d
saved 1353d
We caught those Antifa bastards. Tick tock.
saved 1353d
MoneyButton is not a player in the future.

Your identity is not safe.
Your funds are not safe.

Has anyone else been banned from MoneyButton for being a Trump supporter?
saved 1353d
Fuck you. Committing fraud (deactivating an account and still receiving funds on its behalf in a stolen custodial role) was a bad fuck up.


Delete Moneybutton. State Attorney Generals will want to go through their stuff soon.
saved 1353d
Fools are insufferable.

So what does the message "your account has been deactivated, please email support" mean? Smart guy?

Tell us more about your "doubtttttttt" and your successes too. I'll wait.
saved 1353d
Not Moneybutton.

I may be the first person they've deplatformed because they're inept. They haven't been able to kick me out; series of error messages, including a notification that my account has been deactivated; and would not let me send my funds out.
saved 1353d
Nothing like a mindless anonymous weirdo asking for the same experience under the guise of "where's the evidence?"

The Internet has made people like you clowns. And I will not suffer you.

I have a name and a track record.

I'm not your servant.