Chris Troutner

Joined Aug 29, 2018

Senior JavaScript Developer at, Founder of Permissionless Software Foundation - - open source incentivized with tokens.

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replied 1687d
Looking for someone willing to mine on testnet. There are about 61K orphaned txs that need rescuing. I can write a script to do it, but need to connect my node directly to a mining node.

#dailymemo #bitcoincash
replied 1703d
And for the moment, there is only support for mainnet. I'm in the process of updating the testnet SLPDB needed to run this on testnet.
replied 1703d
To clarify, the npm library has not been updated. 'git clone' the repository if you want to play with the SLP token features.
Alpha release of bch-cli-wallet with SLP token support available. This is a #javascript wallet for #bitcoincash. Devs are encouraged to play with it. No npm. Git only.
replied 1705d
I did some research into this yesterday. It's a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem. I'm asking ABC devs how configure this container so default value is to allow 1 sat/byte.
I updated my full node Docker container to work with ABC v0.20.0:

Currently looking into ways to avoid rejecting 1 sat/byte txs in spurious fee markets like yesterday.
replied 1717d
Can Americans get into Venezuela? From what I've heard they can't.
replied 1718d
With time they will. pre-consensus is far from production, but it'll get there.
replied 1718d
With time they will. pre-consensus is far from production, but it'll get there.
I'm excited to launch A portable hard-drive with the BCH blockchain and several indexers pre-synced. Everything to run and BITBOX locally. Telegram channel:
replied 1719d
Pre-consenus with Avalanch will accomplish what you want. Secure zero-conf transactions will remove the issues with waiting for long one-conf.
replied 1722d
I've also been giving my nieces and nephews BCH as gifts. Oldest is 5. They can hopefully buy their first car with it.
#dailymemo Just added paper wallet and 'sweep' functionality to bch-cli-wallet using #BITBOX #JavaScript library:
sent · 1,000 sats 1724d
Hey, is funded somehow? I'm wondering if you'd be interested in a token like to fund help from open source developers. Check out the biz plan. Interested? Contact me.
replied 1759d
Same as twitter, but uncensorable.
replied 1759d
I'm an American. I'd love to move to Venezuela and work and live from there for a while. I imagine I could live like a king there, and feel good about helping stimulate the economy.
replied 1793d
This might be your logical mistake: there is no 'known address'. CashShuffle is based on HD wallets that generate billions of addresses. No reused addresses. No circles in the graph.
replied 1795d
The link you posted is a court case. I'd love to reach some technical data on how 'unmixing' happens. Chain analysis, mixing, coinjoin, and utxo consolidation are all different things.
replied 1795d
But don't take my word for it. It's all open source. Anyone can verify just how anonymous it is.
replied 1795d
I'm also an engineer, and I've gone through the whitepaper and code that makes up this protocol. I can assure you, it is pretty anonymous. There are more, better ways, but it works.
replied 1795d
This protocol has been put together by some of the smartest people I've ever interacted with. If you have specific, technical, example of how this is not anonymous, please point it out
replied 1796d
It's p2p and trustless. Here is a summary video of the protocol that @CoinSpice just released:

For digital money to work like 'cash', it needs to be as anonymous as cash. Bitcoin Cash is now. Here's how:
replied 1800d
Well... that's what CashShuffle does.