zhai Ramos

Joined Nov 04, 2019

"A mother of two"
and still learning about crypto

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zhai Ramos
replied 1788d
❤❤❤ well fine here
zhai Ramos
replied 1788d
zhai Ramos
replied 1796d
try to quit!
zhai Ramos
replied 1797d
thanks alot sir post an update soon
zhai Ramos
replied 1824d
wow the pizza is here.. can i have some atleast 1 pan pizza. gotta share it with my kids
zhai Ramos
replied 1825d
yeah best pizza day this time of year!
zhai Ramos
replied 1826d
zhai Ramos
replied 1828d
same here sir
zhai Ramos
replied 1828d
because if have some friends here in memo who i can trust, surelly i will get some real information.
zhai Ramos
replied 1828d
yes I am sir! you can count on me! 😊
zhai Ramos
replied 1828d
spiced me up
followed 1828d
zhai Ramos
replied 1833d
happy birthday in advanced sir
zhai Ramos
replied 1833d
thats good! making friends.😊
followed 1834d