Michael Ten

Joined Aug 12, 2018

Artist. Entrepreneur. Trying to help hasten the defeat of aging. Universal basic income supporter. https://MichaelTen.co https://www.reddit.com/user/MichaelTen On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelTen

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replied 2053d
Well this is just a racket now ;)
Read blog posts for free on https://jaredschlar.blogspot.com/ related to Crypto and Bitcoin Cash.
BCH development is exploding. I can't even keep up with the amazing services using OP_RETURN.
2054d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
yeah, think we can all agree we dont want convicted rapists on the SC but just people who have been accused? that's insane.
https://GreenPages.cash now supports tags! You can now easily add tags to your listing to help others better find it in a search.
Technical question:
How many TPS is BCH capable of today in its current state? Also will the TPS be increased in the November update?
replied 2056d
You should simply not list any merchant who does not accept zero conf as it is a bad user experience.
Roger Ver sits down with John McAfee in a sincere conversation between friends
replied 2056d
Just revamped the "table view" on https://GreenPages.cash to allow you to easily sort by name, rating, location (& desc, though idk why you would), as well as some much improved pagination functionality. Cheers!
2057d · memo
Is memo.cash even censored in China? Im posting this from a VPN server hosted in Hong Kong, so..?
replied 2058d
Get enough people on memo, Yours, and Matter, and our collective social interaction will essentially be a "basic income".
replied 2058d
Why Manna? I have a manna account too...
I'm using BCH to even talk with you.
I'm not against it. Curious what your specific reason is.
replied 2059d
Mike, even if we disagree on a few issues, I still love Bitcoin Cash and I know you do too.
replied 2059d
Great idea. Updated!
Tippr bot for YouTube can really help content crea..
2062d · memo
Could we adjust PROFILES->NEW to allow tipping new sign-ons ->lacking names<- ? This would help onboard new accounts to quiickly tip them enough BCH to set name and begin posting...
2061d · Memo Suggestions
Memo needs a plugin for websites, like Disqus, so memoans (only) can comment on websites, may even be nice is site owner can also set a small comment fee.
replied 2061d
En Fri Mand
Yo Yo Yo:) Tested to see how many transactions was possible to make in one block on memo, did not find an upper limit.
replied 2061d
...core is great at their job, unfortunately their job is to secretly sabotage/cripple Bitcoin 💩
replied 2061d
346 transactions in about 40 minutes with only two "transaction waiting to broadcast", which means that there is no real limit on conversations here now. It used to be 25 per block.

Great News for Memo Users :D
With the recent increase in BCH price, our satoshis now stretch further than they did before! Put your good fortune to use; like a post, comment on a post, make your own post! #BCHWinning
replied 2061d
What platform(s) are you targeting?
replied 2060d
Android / iOS